Labour party activist
In response to: Rubbish Litters Street As Students Move Out Of Rented Accommodation
Landlords squeeze as many students as possible into these small houses to get as much money as possible.
As a result, more individuals generating waste that can’t fit into the single bin the landlord/ council provides. So the bin overflows and foxes, or maybe a strong wind, cause the trash to spread all over the street.
It’s worth remembering too that Slyfield [recycling depot] is a difficult place to get to from the town centre without a car.
It’s also worth noting that the University of Surrey Students’ Union often organises volunteer litter picks around Guildford Park Avenue.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Sara Tokunaga
June 29, 2021 at 9:07 am
I agree with Mr Allen’s comments that too many students are squeezed into small houses. However, I do not know who told him the Students’ Union often organise volunteer litter picking in Guildford Park Avenue. Twice, several years ago should really not be classified as “often”.
The local church used to do it often in a community spirit gesture, but this was nothing to do with the Students’ Union.
Brian Holt
June 29, 2021 at 10:46 pm
The landlords or the letting agents, should make it clear every time new students move in, that they know the correct day of the different weekly collections, and what is recycled in which wheelie bin.
Most students around my area never take the wheelie bins in. They are left out on narrow pavements and when they leave bags out the fox’s tear them open leaving litter everywhere.
Landlords and letting agents should be charged for the clear up every time, perhaps then they will do something about the litter outside their properties.