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Letter: ‘Where Is This?’ Has Been a Trip Down Memory Lane

Published on: 12 Jan, 2017
Updated on: 13 Jan, 2017

The two children playing in Henley Fort

From Gary Smith

Having only recently come across The Guildford Dragon, may I say what a great little online newspaper it is.

With most of my family going back many generations, having lived all their lives in and around Guildford, it has been quite a trip down memory lane looking back through previous “Where is this?” pages. In particular no 219, of the two children playing in Henley Fort.

My mother Margaret Vine, lived as a child during the 1930s in the bungalow immediately outside the gates and always reckoned one of the children was her as she could remember the photo being taken.

The bungalows were originally for the officers’ families but by then the council owned the site and rented them out to its employees, such as my grandfather. The wooden octagon shaped building, further along, apparently contained some kind of telescope.

Thanks again for the memory, looking forward to more.

Thank you for your kind comment. I hope you continue to enjoy reading The Dragon. Please spread the word. Ed

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