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Letter: Tumbling Bay Weir – It’s Time For the National Trust to Respond

Published on: 28 Feb, 2023
Updated on: 28 Feb, 2023

From: Barry Williams

In response to: Tumbling Bay Weir ‘Not Our Responsibility’ Says GBC and Choose ‘Do Nothing’ Option

Blame should not lie at the councils door. They have tried hard to find a solution.

I live close to the river and have corresponded with ward and lead councillors on behalf of my residents association as we have seen an increased level of foot and cycle traffic (and public nuisance) in our road.

This can be directly attributed to the Tumbling Bay bridge closure as people seek alternative routes to the towpath

From the information that has been given to me I am fully satisfied with the answers and reasoning that have been given to me by councillors. The recent GBC webcast [of the Executive Committee debate] also supports their comments.

Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for the National Trust who have chosen not to reply to my correspondence over the past two years and which in my view is condemned by its silence.

I am told NT relations with GBC remain cordial as ways to overcome the issue are discussed. However, I feel this issue has moved on from being a dispute between our council and the local offices of the NT Wey Navigation and results from decisions taken at NT national level.

We are overdue a response from the national NT Executive and their chairperson who should be doing more to care for this riverside and navigation environment.

Perhaps the NT may choose to use The Dragon to air their side of the argument – after all we must have a lot of frustrated NT members in Guildford borough who would like to hear from them.

Editor’s comment: The Guildford Dragon has invited comment from The National Trust on several occasions over the last year and has, yesterday, sent a further request for comment and interview.

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Responses to Letter: Tumbling Bay Weir – It’s Time For the National Trust to Respond

  1. Helen Avery Reply

    March 1, 2023 at 12:24 pm

    Perhaps The Dragon can discover why GBC has not issued any black sacks for several months?

    GBC says the contractor has defaulted and we must buy our own.

    A wheelie bin is no good as we have steps to our house so can only use sacks.

    A spokesperson for GBC responded: “We have no obligation to provide our residents with sacks. For properties that are unable to use wheelie bins we voluntarily supply sacks to them.

    “We are due to deliver sacks to these properties now following a delay due to issues with our supplier. We have secured a new supplier and have sacks on order. We will deliver sacks as normal once we have received them.”

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