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Letter: There Are Only Two Options in this Election – Labour or Conservatives

Published on: 7 Jun, 2017
Updated on: 7 Jun, 2017

From George Dokimakis

I am writing in response to the opinion piece: How To Make a Million – It’s Foolproof!

We have less than 48 hours to make a choice at the ballot. In Guildford the favourite remains Anne Milton although I am not certain that the odds quoted in the article remain accurate.

[Here is a screen shot of the latest odds quoted by oddschecker.

And from the same source a pie-chart. Ed]

According to the latest polls (source: (search for Guildford) Conservatives have a 99% chance of winning in Guildford with Labour having a 1% chance. The LibDems in line with their national performance have 0% chance of winning in Guildford.

Comparing the figures quoted in the article with recent polling results, the Conservatives remain the overwhelming favourite to win, Labour’s chances to win have doubled, and LibDems are a distant third. These changes are significant and demonstrate the choices voters face.

Regarding Brexit policy, on one hand we have tariff-free access negotiated by the former head of the Crown Prosecution Service, Kier Starmer or hard Brexit and WTO (World Trade Organisation) 10% tariffs negotiated by David Davies.

For the country and the public services we want, on one hand, we have continuation of cuts throughout and, on the other hand, we have re-investment in public services.

For the economy, we have the option of investing in our infrastructure that underpins our manufacturing and services sector or continuing the austerity that has stifled the economy and has produced level records of debt and stalled productivity.

On one hand, we have a party that offers a fully-costed manifesto and hope for the future and on the other hand, a party that continues to rely on soundbites and offers an uncosted manifesto that takes voters for granted.

I will not comment on security and police cuts as anyone can draw their own conclusions on Theresa May’s record over the last seven years as home secretary and latterly PM.

These stark choices have resulted in the national polling we see and the changes in winning odds.

Besides, Labour and the Conservatives, the other story is about the LibDems. It is clear across the country that the Lib Dem weathercocks (copyright Tony Benn) have nothing to offer. Multiple polls have them losing all seats. In an election where the political boundaries are realigning, the LibDem approach of saying anything to get elected does not

Multiple polls have them losing all seats. In an election where the political boundaries are realigning, the LibDem approach of saying anything to get elected does not appeal, however many dodgy and misleading charts they create.

At the end, this election comes down to a binary choice: Labour or Conservatives.

Whoever you like best you can vote for . If you are thinking of voting tactically against the Conservatives, Labour is your option. It may be 1% chance to begin with but it is a possibility.

Come what may, we ‘ll know in 48 hours what the result will be and which odds were correct.

A list of all candidates standing for the Guildford seat in the general election follows:

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Responses to Letter: There Are Only Two Options in this Election – Labour or Conservatives

  1. Sue Fox Reply

    June 7, 2017 at 2:43 pm

    Lets get real, much as I like what Jeremy Corbyn says this is Guildford. As a life long Liberal I have voted Liberal unless there was a real chance of the Labour candidate stood a good chance of getting in and the Liberal had zilch chance.

    I have never voted Tory though I have written to Anne Milton asking her to support things like press reform and always had a courteous reply but she’ll always toe the party line, even if she did vote to Remain finally.

  2. Jim Allen Reply

    June 7, 2017 at 3:54 pm

    Oh for a candidate who respects the electorate not the party machine with no disrespect for any candidate. Politics needs to be about the people, our environment and our children’s future, not the latest fad policy on taxation, terrorism or transport.

  3. John Perkins Reply

    June 12, 2017 at 10:01 am

    Jim Allen describes well the difficulty many have with politicians today. People hope their candidates will run things in a way that reflects their own desires as closely as possible.

    What they actually get is more like goods bought from one of those market traders who bark about the quality and even show them. Somehow what comes in the box is not what was expected – and refunds are not an option.

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