Fringe Box



Letter: University Plan for Blackwell Farm is A Threat to Green Belt

Published on: 14 Mar, 2019
Updated on: 14 Mar, 2019

Blackwell Farm

From Bob McShee

Independent borough councillor for Worplesdon

I recently attended the University of Surrey’s exhibition on their proposals for the strategic development at Blackwell Farm, to be known as Blackwell Park.

The display boards gave only brief information on the development and there were no handouts issued. I had kept the University of Surrey’s 2014 Masterplan summary document so noted the following changes from this document to last weeks exhibition:

  1. An arrow on one map shows access being added across Broad Street Common towards Wood Street Village.
  2. The access road to Blackwell Park from the Hogs Back has been added, as it is now Policy 26A in Guildford’s Local Plan.
  3. The position of the new railway station (Guildford West) is incorrectly located.*

I still have concerns about flooding from the development which will affect Worplesdon and Park Barn.

As 1,800 homes are planned to be built, this will equate to at least 3,000 cars, and if these vehicles exit Blackwell Park via the Research Park then the roads around the Hospital, Tesco and the A3 will come to a standstill.  The other exit onto the A31 will also be congested, as until Highways England carry out improvements to the A3 then traffic will be gridlocked.

It was interesting to read GBC’s Topic Paper dated 2000 on the University of Surrey in which the paragraph on Blackwell Farm states:

“Blackwell Farm, to the west of Manor Farm, is not included as part of the university expansion plans.  This land will remain in the green belt where there is a presumption against inappropriate development.

“Taking Manor Farm out of the green belt would not compromise the status of the green belt boundary following the edge of Blackwell Farm.  The university is proposing to open up parts of Blackwell Farm for community use, especially for the purposes of recreation and for providing access to a natural environment for enjoyment and education.

“These are uses which are appropriate in the green belt.  The University’s proposals are not therefore considered a threat to Blackwell Farm”.

Now, 19 years on, the university’s proposals are a significant threat to the green belt at Blackwell Farm.

*In response to Cllr McShee’s numbered observations a university spokesperson said:

  1. This is not correct. There is no new access being added across Broadstreet Common. There is an existing pedestrian access to the common across the railway line, and this will link up with other pedestrian and cycle routes in the new development. But the development includes no new road connections affecting Broadstreet Common.
  2. This is correct.
  3. The reference to the railway station was purely illustrative. The development of the railway station is being done separately to Blackwell itself. However, we obviously work closely with other bodies on infrastructure relevant to our own work. We’re pleased the new station appears to be on track to provide new transport options to the hospital and existing as well as new communities in west Guildford.

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