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Letter: Using Terms Like ‘Blockers’ and ‘Nimbys’ Is Demonising

Published on: 14 Sep, 2023
Updated on: 14 Sep, 2023

A view across Blackwell Farm. One of the strategic development sites scheduled in the Local Plan.

From: Roland Dunster

In response to: The Potential Impact of Labour’s Tax Policy on Guildford

As a passionate and active supporter of nature and our beautiful countryside and landscapes, Labour’s pledges to build on the green belt and blight the country with onshore wind “farms” concern me most.

Both policies are environmentally destructive. They ignore greener, more immediate and far less expensive solutions. For example, according to CPRE [Campaign to Protect Rural England] data, there is currently sufficient brownfield land in England to build more than a million homes while installing solar panels on existing rooftops and other land, such as car parks, could provide at least 40-50 Gigawatts of power in England by 2035.

I have always believed that it is a government’s duty to represent and protect the entire population even if they happen not to share its views or express genuine concerns, so I find demonising language such as “blockers” and “Nimbys” from Labour’s leader, and potentially our next prime minister, particularly disturbing.

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