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Letter: Volunteer ‘Poppy People’ Required

Published on: 16 Oct, 2014
Updated on: 16 Oct, 2014

From the Mayor of Guildford, David Elms

As arrangements are put in place for the annual service of remembrance on Sunday, November 9, at Holy Trinity Church, Guildford, our thoughts turn once more to the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal, which will be launched on October 24.

Poppy 480As we mark the centenary of the First World War we will remember the sacrifices made by our armed forces, and the demands on the services of the Royal British Legion are as important now as they were then. From helping a young widow through an inquest to ensuring that an older veteran can stay independent in their own home.

In the lead up to Remembrance Sunday you will no doubt see many Poppy Appeal volunteers giving their own time to sell poppies, come rain or shine – and given our weather recently, it may well be rain! Please remember how important our support is to the serving members and veterans of our armed forces, and give generously.

I have heard from the Royal British Legion that last year’s Poppy Appeal once again received wonderful support from the public and stands at just over £38 million – but let’s try and beat that!

If you are over 16 years of age and interested in actively supporting the appeal you may be interested to know that the Royal British Legion is looking for more ‘Poppy People’. If you would like to get involved, please e-mail them at

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