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Letter: Waitrose Will Attract More Visitors – A Good Thing Too – Let’s Get On With It

Published on: 6 Aug, 2013
Updated on: 6 Aug, 2013

Waitroselet1From Paul Bridgland

Further to the letter from Jan Todd: I Can’t Wait Forever for Waitrose.

People are always resistant to change but times are changing and we have to change with them.

The commercial aspect of Guildford, as a town, plays a vital part in it’s prosperity. If the council is set to pocket £20m from this proposal then let’s celebrate the fact and support it.

Perhaps some of that money can be spent on improving the appalling traffic system that we have and reducing parking charges to encourage more shoppers in to the town.

Let’s not forget that Waitrose will draw more people in to town to spend at other local shops. That’s not a bad thing, it’s a good thing! Guildford is a town, not a housing estate. We should embrace and encourage interest from commercial entities wishing to invest in it.

If parking is a major factor behind objections then let’s concentrate on dealing with parking, how to improve it and how to provide a lot more parking for the benefit of the town, rather just saying no.

There seems to me to be a little bit of NIMBY playing a part in all of this.

I think the Waitrose deal is great for Guildford and fully support it. I respect the views of the Guildford Vision Group but they have been duly considered and rejected. Let’s not waste any more taxpayers money and move on.

Paul Bridgland is the Director of Best of Guildford

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Responses to Letter: Waitrose Will Attract More Visitors – A Good Thing Too – Let’s Get On With It

  1. Tim Weeks Reply

    August 6, 2013 at 5:05 pm

    Please, please, please can we just build this thing and halt the debate.

    I live in Martyr Road and the wasteland that is the former housing association site, and the Live and Let Live Pub (Which I believe was CPO’d for this development) is just horrific. It is an eyesore that makes that whole back section of town feel unsafe to walk through.

    A new Waitrose will hopefully give the council the impetus they need to resolve the North Street Plan as well and finally give Guildford the vibrant growth enabling shopping area it needs to be attractive to incoming shoppers.

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