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Letter: Water Supply Problems Caused by Serious Underfunding and Wilful Neglect

Published on: 10 Nov, 2023
Updated on: 10 Nov, 2023

From: Mark Stamp

In response to: Thames Water Says All Its Customers Should Now Have a Water Supply

Yesterday, in a comment, I called for a more thorough explanation from Thames Water for the breakdown of water supplies.

Here is my view of the fundamental cause. There has been serious underfunding and wilful neglect of critical national infrastructure in favour of shareholders and executive pay.

Renationalisation has been suggested as a solution but would leave taxpayers owning a company that has been asset-stripped and requires major investment over the next 30 years whilst giving shareholders and executives one last payday.

In addition to Thames Water attending a public meeting, as proposed by Guildford’s MP, I would hope we could also question a representative of OFWAT and the government whose dereliction of duty has allowed this to happen.

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