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Letter: We Are Lucky to Have the Royal Surrey But Government Must Address Problem Urgently

Published on: 12 Jan, 2022
Updated on: 12 Jan, 2022

Photo: CC0 Public Domain

From: Sylvia Allison

In response to: ‘I Cry Every Day’ Says Royal Surrey Nurse

As a local who has had cause to use Royal Surrey County Hospital on several occasions, I am so very sorry to read this staff members letter.

I cannot praise the hospital enough. My husband and I have had first-rate experiences at every level, on every occasion. Everybody has been truly the best they could be.

We are so blessed to have such an innovative, well-run hospital in our area and the community should be very worried and sad to read of the nurse’s firsthand experience. I hope that she reads this and knows how valued she is. We give our personal thanks to her.

Whilst we understand the government are under tremendous pressure after all this country has undergone in the last few years, I hope they recognise that if they don’t address this problem with more urgency it will only end up bigger and with potentially disastrous consequences.

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