Fringe Box



Letter: We Must Break Our Reliance on Cars

Published on: 22 Jul, 2023
Updated on: 22 Jul, 2023

From: John Cooke

In response to: £4.2m for the London Road Cycle Lane is Absurd

I’m lucky, when I have to drive it’s outside the busy periods or I use my bike or public transport. The odd time I do drive in “normal” hours is a horrible experience due to congestion on the roads. Unless there is a radical change in the attitude of residents it’s only going to get worse.

Improved cycle lanes to afford some protection to cyclists from drivers who don’t leave a safe distance whilst overtaking. Even better are separate cycle routes.

We cyclists don’t illegally use the pavements to annoy people, we do it because the main roads are dangerous.

And increased provision for cycling has to be supported by good and regular public transport which, I believe, should be subsidised by motorists who insist on clogging the roads with cars transporting one or two people.

I know my opinion is hugely unpopular (even in my own house) but we have to start making these changes to improve traffic flow, reduce pollution and improve the quality of life in our towns.

I suspect, like me, most of the correspondents who, even subtly, are objecting to the improvements to cycle lanes, are of a generation that, as youngsters, used public transport or a bicycle or walked.

We must break our reliance on cars where possible or pay more for the privilege.

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Responses to Letter: We Must Break Our Reliance on Cars

  1. Keith Francis Reply

    July 22, 2023 at 11:19 pm

    An obtuse example of those car drivers from my village who, instead of going by bus all the way to Guildford, are quite prepared to drive to the Merrow Park & Ride and then complete their journey on those buses. They don’t have to look for in-town car parking but probably, in the process, pay more.

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