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Letter: We Need an MP Who Understands Local Issues

Published on: 26 May, 2024
Updated on: 26 May, 2024

Former MP for Surrey Heath Michael Gove

From: Roshan Bailey

Normandy resident

Michael Gove’s decision to step down from Parliament was not unexpected but leaves the field wide open as to the choice to be offered to Normandy and Pirbright residents.

In my experience from living in Surrey and elsewhere, we are generally best off represented by efficient and interested backbenchers who have time and competence to focus on their constituencies and gain their “brownie points” from performance on that level rather than high flyers who gain ministerial positions.

Michael Gove is one of the few MPs in recent times with a strong reputation for effective performance in ministerial roles, for actually understanding and demonstrating what is needed in government, but doing this takes time and energy which must inevitably leave less for constituency work.

Normandy and Pirbright now await with interest the announcement of our candidates from all parties and hope they will all come with a reputation for effective performance in their previous work which will translate into active and practical support within our constituency.

We hope the person we elect will be seen frequently in our area, getting to know us and fighting our corner where needed, eg getting utility companies to meet us and respond to our concerns as Jonathan Lord has done so effectively as our MP over recent years.

We require and expect our new MP to be seen on the ground and to get to know us and understand local issues.

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