Fringe Box



Letter: We Need Multi-agency Co-operation to Achieve Wins for Everybody

Published on: 15 Jul, 2021
Updated on: 16 Jul, 2021

From: Anthony Mallard

In response to: Dramatic Early Morning Operation At Stoney Castle to Stop ‘Illegal’ Dumping

I am sure that the explanations offered have some, if not a complete answer to why action, after so many years of prevarication, happened recently at Stoney Castle.

A similar situation, I believe, existed and may still exist at Millmead when the weir collapsed. There are a number of involved parties, Guildford Borough Council, the National Trust and the Environment Agency (EA).

If I recall correctly, none could agree who would fund the cost.

Likewise, in Burpham, where no one among the EA, GBC and Surrey County Council, to name but three, can agree a solution to the residents’ queries in respect of the flooding risks associated with the Merrow Common Stream.

Over four years, the parcel has been passed from one agency to another without effective answers. Indeed, recently access to the monitoring cameras, that allowed residents to monitor the watercourse has been denied by GBC and the Environment Agency.

This was a valuable tool and a way by which residents could, in a partnership with GBC and the EA, add their weight and contribute to the prevention of the flooding of nearby homes.

The problem seems to be partly caused by budget protection by each of the statutory parties and, in the case of Merrow Common Stream, partly by a complete lack of willingness, to work together, with residents, to achieve a satisfactory solution that meets the needs of all concerned.

It’s could be an easy win-win for everyone but the statutory agencies don’t seem to grasp this.

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