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Letter: We Should Not Attack Councillors Because of Their Former Jobs

Published on: 29 Mar, 2023
Updated on: 29 Mar, 2023

Robin Horsley’s “Battle for Guildford” campaign video

From: Mark Stamp

In response to: Dragon Interview – ‘Battle for Guildford’ Campaigner Robin Horsley

I found it strange that all of the archive and contemporary footage of Guildford in Mr Horsley’s video was of the high street and did not depict the wasteland that is the North Street site and the dilapidated bus station that will receive a much needed facelift.

Maybe it is because that would show people that something does need to be done rather than just objecting to every scheme.

There is a legitimate concern that the scheme has less affordable housing than it should but given the national planning policies, this is a pretty meaningless term.

Making personal attacks on specific councillors based on former jobs is not a good basis to make any argument. Many councillors have had well paying jobs in the past which allows them to now earn a pittance serving the community.

Ultimately the problem is that there are many people who want to criticise anything because it is different or will cause them some disruption but very few who will actually say what they are for and stand up and try to make a positive change.

Councillors of all parties should be thanked for trying to make a difference and campaigns such as this just make becoming a councillor less appealing when we want to see a council that is more diverse and representative of the borough.

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Responses to Letter: We Should Not Attack Councillors Because of Their Former Jobs

  1. Nathan Cassidy Reply

    March 31, 2023 at 6:17 pm

    I agree whole-heartedly with Mark Stamp here.

    I found the conspiratorial angle portrayed in the “Battle for Guildford” video rather distasteful. There is no sinister plot afoot in Guildford.

    I may not agree with R4GV (full disclosure I am a Labour candidate) but they, like all councillors, are people who devote their time and energy to doing what they think is best for Guildford.

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