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Letter: What is Going on with the Lib Dems?

Published on: 14 Oct, 2018
Updated on: 14 Oct, 2018

From Matthew Smith

In response to: We Need A Bridge That Would Make a Real Difference

What is going on with the Lib Dems in Guildford? Ciaran Doran, their chair, correctly criticises this new bridge as a vanity project, yet it is supported by multiple Lib Dem councillors including the leader of their group, Caroline Reeves.

Doesn’t this sound familiar? Not long ago they were claiming to support extending the right for councils to borrow to build the council houses we so desperately need. Yet they were part of the coalition government which did the opposite not so long ago.

And they are the anti-Brexit party whose leader and former leader couldn’t be bothered to turn up for a critical vote in parliament, the former apparently because he was discussing setting up a new party entirely.

I agree with Ciaran Doran that we need a change in Guildford but we need real change and that will only be achieved by electing more Labour councillors next year, not Lib Dems who have proven time and time again both locally and nationally that they say one thing to the voters then behave like Tories when it really matters.

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Responses to Letter: What is Going on with the Lib Dems?

  1. Valerie Thompson Reply

    October 14, 2018 at 2:00 pm

    No, we need Independents who have no particular axe to grind. We do not need those who blindly play “Follow my Leader”, whether his decisions are wise, or beneficial or not.

    We need councillors who stand up for their beliefs and try to honestly represent the people who elected them.

  2. Gordon Bridger Reply

    October 15, 2018 at 2:38 pm

    Quite right Valerie Thompson.

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