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Letter: What is Happening About the Debenhams Redevelopment?

Published on: 2 Oct, 2023
Updated on: 2 Oct, 2023

From: Bibhas Neogi

In response to: St Mary’s Wharf Developer Bows to Pressure By Reducing Proposed Building Height Again

Are Native Land still working behind the scenes and looking for ways to satisfy pre-commencement conditions? Is it time to lift the veil and reveal the true status of their deliberations?

Is the Debenhams building to become another eye-sore landmark like Guildford Plaza was?

Questions are left unanswered but left in this state of disuse, the building is likely to become damaged due to lack of maintenance especially during successive winters.

In the event Native Land has changed its mind due to increases in costs and procurement issues and is unable to demolish the building; it would be more expensive to reinstate and repurpose it for other uses if it is left empty for too long.

Guildford needs to know of the progress made by Native Land in executing this project.

The Guildford Dragon will forward this letter with a request for comment to Guildford Borough Council.


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Responses to Letter: What is Happening About the Debenhams Redevelopment?

  1. Janet Moorhouse Reply

    October 3, 2023 at 5:13 pm

    It would be better for the environment if the building were to be retained. It is an example of 1960-70s architecture which will be appreciated more in the future than it is now.

    Imagine the dust and pollution if the building is demolished. I live close-by and will be affected by this.

  2. Bibhas Neogi Reply

    October 29, 2023 at 1:19 pm

    Any response yet from Guildford Borough Council?

    Cllr Potter usually responds to questions like this but maybe Native Land is still wandering in search of a solution and yet to advise GBC?

  3. Roger MAIN Reply

    November 8, 2023 at 4:30 pm

    I would have thought that Native Land is as frustrated as we were when we tried to develop the store many years ago buy the negative comments on our proposals by various organisations in Guildford ,which lead to huge extra costs and unnecessary plan changes .
    Nothing seams to have changed in all these years these ORGANISATIONS need to wake up and recognise that change is necessary in Guildford as do the planners and unnecessary delays as in the case of Debenhams redevelopment cost money , and less revenue in the long run for the council .
    Of course there will be disruption as in any development , but this scheme is a good one for Guildford .
    As has been mentioned if the delay continues the building becomes more of an eye sore ,and lack of maintenance as I know well on this site will make even more an eye sore , is that what these organisations want.
    I also would be interested in why the delay ?

  4. Roger Main Reply

    January 16, 2024 at 7:30 pm

    Is there any update from the developers and council on progress of the DBENHAMS DEVELOPMENT

  5. Bibhas Neogi Reply

    June 10, 2024 at 12:14 pm

    It would be reassuring to know how the developer has planned to carry out the demolition safely while maintaining structural integrity of the basement and the foundations that are going to be retained.
    I have not come across a method statement of the demolition process but I expect it would be a slow process for this steel-framed structure with reinforced concrete floors.

    Floor slabs would probably be cut out in strips and columns cut in sequence and all lifted out and lowered onto lorries. So there would be many such trips of lorries and the whole process a lot more expensive when compared with demolition of low-rise brick buildings.

    It would also be useful to know of the proposed traffic management and how assessment was carried out to satisfy that disruption and delays would be within acceptable limits. There is already a problem with tailbacks on Onslow Street that block the traffic exiting from Bridge Street and whether the traffic management on Millbrook would adversely affect it further.

    I hope the developer has carried out the costing of the job well and that any unanticipated cost hike would not cause operational issues and prevent smooth running of the project. Issues of the type experienced with Guildford Plaza development is best avoided.

    I understand work has started on clearing the inside of the building of existing services. I hope all goes well but cannot help thinking that such an expensive demolition job is the right way for the redevelopment of this site. With the cost of materials and labour costs rising faster than in recent times, and shortage of skilled labour and high demand on building products due to increased target for housing in Local Plans throughout the country, is it the right decision to demolish a perfectly good structure?

    Would it make financial sense in retaining it, altering it and adding a couple of stories of apartments above it to make this a profitable project by reducing the risk of inadequate return on the investment? I leave the readers with this thought and perhaps the developer would explain their approach to this project.

    • George Potter Reply

      June 11, 2024 at 4:01 pm

      I think the answer to most of the questions posed can be found in the webinars/public documents put forwards by the developer at the time of applying for permission (e.g. the internal layout of the building was such that it would have resulted in multiple apartments having no natural light at all) or on the council planning portal where one can read the documents associated with the planning application and for the discharge of planning conditions.

      At time of writing there are 13 different applications, amendments and discharge of conditions relating to 21/P/02232, which was the original planning application reference number:

      George Potter is a Lib Dem borough councillor for Burpham.

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