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Letter: Where Do the Tories Now Stand on Their Disastrous Local Plan?

Published on: 10 Nov, 2022
Updated on: 10 Nov, 2022

From Jules Cranwell

In response to: Town Centre Tories Call for Time Out on North Street Plans Saying Height Limit Is Required

Since the Tories are suddenly so concerned about ensuring developments should “have regard for local context”, perhaps they should also call for a time-out on the destruction being wrought upon the villages from their disastrous Local Plan.

After all, they did promise “no development without infrastructure”. In fact, what infrastructure we have is being stretched to breaking point and beyond.

They also once made the manifesto promise “green belt to stay under Tories”, then went on to rob our 14 villages of green belt protection.

Perhaps they will now tell us where they now stand on their Local Plan. After all, there is an election looming.

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Responses to Letter: Where Do the Tories Now Stand on Their Disastrous Local Plan?

  1. Helen Jefferies Reply

    November 10, 2022 at 1:25 pm

    I’d also like to hear what the Lib Dems’ position is on a review of the plan.

    Editor’s comment: Cllr Potter does address this question in his letter: Councillors Do Not Have the Luxury of Power Without Responsibility.

  2. Jules Cranwell Reply

    November 13, 2022 at 1:49 pm

    Quite, we’ve heard nothing form Cllr McShane on the most pressing issue for the borough. Why is she so silent, given the intensity of public feeling?

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