From Jules Cranwell
In the bidding war that the upcoming election has descended into, the Tories promise to plant 30 million trees each year. But now the Lib Dems have raised them to 60 million.
I would like to ask supporters of the Local Plan at Guildford Borough Council, where will they find the space to plant our shares of such trees, once they have caused the green belt to be concreted over?
Another aspect of the carbon-neutral target of 2050 requires us to grow more than the current 40% of our food. The remainder has to be imported, at huge cost in carbon.
Where are we to grow our share of such food locally, once the fertile fields at Gosden Hill, Wisley, Blackwell farm, and huge tracts around the villages are developed for housing?
Local policymaking appears to be completely at odds with national policymaking.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Julia Shaw
November 18, 2019 at 11:51 am
I’d like to find this out too.
Chris Williams
November 18, 2019 at 7:16 pm
This election is the most cringe-worthy sham of politics I have lived through. I used to hold a passing interest in politics; I would stay up late to listen to and watch News broadcasts and current affairs programs.
Today’s politics is so far removed from any meaningful reality I have used my time instead to improve my love and understanding of all types of music considerably in the past few years.
Simon Thomson
November 18, 2019 at 9:18 pm
Totally agree which is why I’m voting Labour as there is more chance of getting Michael Gove out.
Julian Cranwell
November 19, 2019 at 10:32 am
Unfortunately, Labour would cause even more devastation on our countryside than the Tories have with their flawed National Planning Policy Framework, and their failure to protect the green belt.
Remember John Prescott’s vindictive last shot, which was to impose an unwanted, and unneeded service station in Cobham. He made it blindingly clear that this was because he hated the south, and Surrey in particular.
Jeremy Corbyn has already made his hatred of Surrey clear with his comments on flooding.