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Letter: Who Will Come to See Damage Caused by the Local Plan for Themselves?

Published on: 7 Jul, 2021
Updated on: 7 Jul, 2021

From: David Roberts

Following up on: Surrey’s MPs Are the Biggest Threat to Our Green Belt

Since Sir Paul Beresford has not yet, as far as I know, responded to the invitation from East and West Horsley Parish Councils to visit the villages and see the destruction for himself.

Would Paul Kennedy and perhaps Zoe Franklin, his Guildford opposite number, care to do so instead?

Sir Paul Beresford, MP (Con, Mole Valley) responded: “East and West Horsley Parish Council, the Wisley Campaign group and most interested residents of the Mole Valley Guildford wards who have being following the battle over the Local Plan know my emphatic position on saving the green belt and therefore opposition to those aspects of the draft Local Plan and the final Local Plan.

“I have been informed that the Horsley Parish Councils are to invite me to join them to discuss the way in which these villages and Wisley are being destroyed because of the Local Plan. That invitation is awaited and would be welcome.

“Perhaps following that meeting we could send a deputation to meet the R4GV [Residents for Guildford & Villages] leader, currently leader of GBC, to assist him in his review of the Local Plan with the intention of returning protection to our villages where possible.”

Lib Dem spokesperson Zöe Franklin said: “I completely agree with my Lib Dem colleague Paul Kennedy that it is the Conservatives themselves who are the biggest threat to the green belt locally.

“As a result of their housing formulas, based on outdated population estimates, local councils are left with the almost impossible task of meeting the published housing need and government planning requirements while simultaneously trying to ensure affordable, environmentally sustainable development, with the right infrastructure and which meets the needs of local people.

“It’s a challenging task but one I am glad is in the hands of the Lib Dems and R4GV rather than the previous Conservative administrations. In terms of David Robert’s invitation to myself and Paul to visit West and East Horsley, as the area in question is within Mole Valley constituency I will leave Paul to take the lead on responding but can assure Mr Roberts that I will be fully briefed.”

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Responses to Letter: Who Will Come to See Damage Caused by the Local Plan for Themselves?

  1. Ben Paton Reply

    July 7, 2021 at 5:39 pm

    The Lib Dem spokesperson conveniently forgets that Lib Dems supported the current Local Plan for over a decade and that their then leader voted for it.

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