In response to: Guildford Named as a ‘Knife-edge’ Seat in YouGov Poll of the ‘Blue Wall’
I’m surprised that there is such dissatisfaction with Mr “Vote Leave” Johnson from his supporters.
Surely now the shackles have been cast off, his fanbase will embrace the empty supermarket shelves, the shafted fishing industry, love the reintroduced European mobile phone roaming charges, travel visa costs, shortage of truck drivers, doctors, nurses, care home staff, diminished value of Pound/Euro/Dollar exchange rate, no chance to effortlessly live, learn, love or labour in the biggest economic community on our doorstep.
But hey, don’t let any radical liberal types take control, goodness knows where that would end.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
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Stuart Barnes
August 4, 2021 at 2:56 pm
Surely the answer is blindingly obvious? We thought he was a Conservative and it has turned out that he is (with the nudging of his wife) a bleeding heart liberal.
However, there is still time for him to recover his senses and go back to being a genuine Conservative.
If Boris will not recant then a real Conservative will have to take over the Conservative Party. How about someone sensible like the splendid Jacob Rees-Mogg?
But we must at least give Boris credit for getting us out of the hated, corrupt and utterly incompetent EU.
Peta Malthouse
August 8, 2021 at 2:17 pm
I was stung into reply at the suggestion that Jacob Rees-Mogg would be an appropriate PM. No thank you, please no. I am afraid he comes from the same cut of cloth as the Prime Minister. An overwhelming sense of entitlement and belief that the “little people” are just there to grease the wheels of the machine. They are so out of touch.
Who can forget his speech about the Brexit terms which utterly failed to address the difficulties that have arisen for our fishermen as a result a large proportion of which are facing ruin? His words, “fish are British and ‘happier’ because of Brexit,” show how foolish, how stupid one can be? And how out of touch with reality.
David Wragg
August 6, 2021 at 12:45 pm
I agree entirely. As a journalist, Boris was a supporter of traditional Conservative views, if not values, as PM, he is liberal, or worse.
His strengths lie in campaigning, but he lacks so much ability that a PM should have. He cannot think ahead or plan, he has a limited attention span, and only responds to issues at the last moment.
He seems blind to the problems of an increasingly dominant Communist China. The same goes for Russia. He hasn’t the strength to stand up to the EU post-Brexit.
John Schluter
August 7, 2021 at 12:08 am
I’m sure that Stuart Barnes and David Wragg have their hearts in the right place but I notice that they neither disprove nor discredit the facts I stated.
By the way, when PM Johnson campaigned to Leave he had another wife but I know it’s hard to keep up.
Stuart Barnes
August 8, 2021 at 10:26 am
I realise of course that Mr Schluter is promoting the utterly boring usual Remoaner wish to overturn the democratic will of the majority of our country and it seems unnecessary to put forward the well-known counter arguments yet again.
However, he may have a slightly better target when he alludes to the current Mrs Johnson – although I would comment that my original piece included her name but it was edited out.
John Schluter
August 9, 2021 at 1:10 am
It was not the “democratic will of the majority of the country”, only 37% voted to leave.
John Perkins
August 9, 2021 at 12:22 pm
Mr. Schluter must be referring to the electorate when he quotes 37%.
Perhaps he believes the 34.7% of the electorate who voted Remain better represents the democratic will of the country than the 37.4% who voted Leave.
Or perhaps it would be more democratic to accept the view of 24.6% of the population rather than that of 26.5%.
It’s surely not possible he’s arguing that only an outright majority is acceptable? If so, perhaps we should hold a referendum on rejoining, but only accepting an absolute majority of the electorate. Good luck finding nearly twice as many votes as last time.
S Callanan
August 9, 2021 at 12:24 pm
As with all elections it was the majority of the people who voted which won the day. That’s how democracy works.
There were 33,581,983 valid votes representing a turnout of 72.2% of the electorate and of those valid votes 51.9% voted to leave. Yes, the leave votes are 37% of the total electorate of 46,500,001. But if people don’t vote they don’t get counted so we’ve no way of knowing how they might have voted had they chosen to do so. It follows that it’s pointless to include them in any analysis.
Jim Allen
August 10, 2021 at 12:26 am
Those who choose not to vote can’t complain when others vote for something they don’t like.
John Perkins
August 8, 2021 at 10:50 am
There is a world of difference between a fact and an opinion. Facts are normally provable whereas opinions are not, and therefore are not disprovable either.
One of the opinions stated above as fact is that the Pound/Euro/Dollar rate (although there is no such thing) has diminished.
When the UK left the EU on January 31 2020 the GBP/EUR rate was about 1.19 and today is about 1.18, barely changed and increasing recently.
It had fallen to a low of 1.07 on 19th March 2020, possibly coincident with the start of the pandemic emergency measures, though that’s only my opinion.
Ten years ago, long before David Cameron said he would call a referendum, it was about 1.14.
John Schluter
August 9, 2021 at 8:40 am
Thursday 23 June 2016 £1 GBP = €1.3091
Friday 24 June 2016 £1 GBP = €1.2319
Thursday 23 June 2016 £1 GBP = $1.4893
Friday 24 June 2016 £1 GBP = $1.3681
John Perkins
August 11, 2021 at 3:40 pm
How odd that anyone might believe a fall in the exchange rate over a single day can be described as a diminished currency.
What about the days when it rose, do they not count?
What about the steep decline to March 18 2020? Does that not matter because it was nothing to do with the EU?
Have a look at what happened in September 1992 when the UK tried to keep the Pound in the ERM (precursor to the EURO). GBP lost about 25% of its value against USD and, in essence, UK taxpayers transferred £1 billion to George Soros.
That was a very real diminution.
RWL Davies
August 9, 2021 at 7:28 am
Remoaner self-styled radical liberal types are highly selective when it comes to facts.