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Letter: Why is St Catherine’s Not Properly Signed?

Published on: 15 Nov, 2023
Updated on: 16 Nov, 2023

St Catherine’s bus shelter in 2008 clearly signed St Catherine’s. Photo: John Britton

From: Stuart Barnes

In response to: It’s a Win-Win for St Catherine’s Bus Shelter

I agree with Mr Dawson who commented that a better name for the bus stop would be just “St Catherine’s Village”.

Why is the name of St Catherine’s not displayed anywhere in the village? There was a scheme a few years ago to erect a village sign but it got overtaken by another sign for Artington being put on the exact spot provisionally reserved for it.

As far as I am aware, the mix-up occurred because one sign was being promoted by the local St Catherine’s Village Association with the help of GBC and the other by someone at Surrey County Council. No doubt someone will correct me if I have got that wrong.

Of course, it does not help that the postal authorities refuse to accept that the village exists.

Editor’s response: I have reminded the chair of the SCVA of the failed village sign initiative for his consideration. In the meantime, we understand the association is hoping to put a simple “St Catherine’s” sign on the repaired bus shelter to replace one that was previously in place. (See photo.)

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