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Letter: Why Not See How Freiburg Manages to Preserve Their Green Space?

Published on: 6 Feb, 2019
Updated on: 6 Feb, 2019

From Julian Cranwell

In response to: Local Plan Public Hearing Will Not Revisit All Issues

Given that the town centre plan has changed to increase the proportion of residential development, given the decreasing viability of retail space, and that out of date Office of National Statistics population figures were used, despite repeated warnings from GGG councillors and residents, shouldn’t the GBC Executive now throw out their ruinous plan, and listen to residents, actually find out what they want, and develop a workable plan that meets local need, not the desire for profits from developers?

When councillors go on their next jolly to our twin town Freiburg, in June I believe it is, in the spirit of collaboration, they could consult their counterparts on how they have managed to keep the countryside around Freiburg so beautiful, whilst providing for local housing needs.

They may pick up some ideas as to what can be done without concreting over the green belt.

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Responses to Letter: Why Not See How Freiburg Manages to Preserve Their Green Space?

  1. Paul Spooner Reply

    February 6, 2019 at 6:37 pm

    Factual correction: There are currently no plans for councillors to travel to Freiburg in June as it is expected that the Elected Mayor of Freiburg, Martin Horn, will visit Guildford this summer.

    Paul Spooner is the leader of Guildford Borough Council

  2. Colin Cross Reply

    February 6, 2019 at 11:53 pm

    I understand that the pollution in Moscow is way above Freiburg and second only to Beijing. So it looks like we are more likely to follow the old Soviet model for Guildford.

    Perhaps Cllr Spooner’s reference to “Party X” competing in the May Election in his Guildford Dragon interview signals the fact that there is a real alternative to yet more Tory arrogance.

    We may yet see off their sad and embarrassing “quick fix” attempt at a Local Plan.

    Colin Cross is the Independent councillor for Lovelace (Ripley, Wisley and Ockham).

  3. Barbara Ford Reply

    February 7, 2019 at 9:53 am

    Please note: the visit to Freiburg on 6-9 June to which Julian refers is not a “jolly” but a self-funded (everyone pays their own way) trip arranged by the (voluntary) Guildford Twinning Association. So far, no councillors have signed up for it but I do encourage readers to join us and see beautiful Freiburg for themselves.

    The trip includes a free guided tour around one of Freiburg’s sustainable development districts, which is indeed fascinating and educational. For more details, see our website at The trip is only open to members but membership only costs £7 per annum.

    Barbara Ford is the chair of the Guildford Twinning Association

    • Jules Cranwell Reply

      February 7, 2019 at 10:03 pm

      I totally respect the wonderful work of the Twinning Association, and I believe the Freiburg twinning has had the most positive results. Humblest apologies, if my words were interpreted as any slight towards the association, and its work.

      Having worked with Barbara Ford professionally, I can attest that her motives are as pure as the driven snow, and a credit to Guildford.

      My only point is that this council leadership would turn up for the opening of an envelope if there were a photo-op in the offing. Although if they were to attend, they may learn something about sustainable communities.

      And then there’s the pseudo partnership with Dongying, which I’m sure the association had nothing to do with. I mean, really?

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