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Letter: Why Was Application to Open Pharmacy in Kingpost Parade Rejected?

Published on: 9 Feb, 2024
Updated on: 9 Feb, 2024

From: A Burpham & Merrow Pharmacy User (name and address supplied)

See also: Update on Pharmacy Provision in Merrow

Mr Zohib Sheikh, who already runs two pharmacies in Claygate and Woking, applied to the NHS Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board (ICB) to register a new pharmacy in the shopping parade at Burpham.

However, his application was refused even though Boots Merrow Park has closed causing chaos at the Boots pharmacies at Epsom Road, Merrow; Stoughton Road, Bellfields and St. Lukes GP practice.

The ICB “claims there’s no need for more pharmacies in the area” – stated Cllr George Potter [Lib Dem, Burpham] on Facebook. He goes onto say: “Myself and the other local councillors have sent letters of support in to Zohib and the local NHS board because we really need an additional pharmacy”.

Mr Sheikh is going to appeal against the decision which will be handled by the adjacent Frimley ICB.

Guildford’s MP Angela Richardson (Con) stated on Facebook “The week before last I wrote to the Frimley ICB about Zo’s application”. She continues “I put a statement of support for Zo’s application on my letterhead for him to use” and “I have again written to the acting chief exec of Surrey Heartlands about woeful pharmaceutical provision for Burpham and Merrow (having yet to have a response to my previous letter asking the decision maker to visit Epsom Road).

“I had a meeting with non-exec board members of Surrey Heartlands nine days ago and separately spoke to Tim Oliver [SCC leader] who chairs the Integrated Health Partnership about it too, as well as the relevant minister.”

In trying to open a pharmacy in Burpham, Mr Sheikh asks for as many letters of support as possible to present to the NHS. Please e-mail any letters of support for the application to:

He suggests that anyone who has had issues accessing Pharmacy services to also complain directly to the NHS so they have this on file. You can do this by emailing:

Examples of where people have had difficulty in accessing pharmacy services are particularly important. The reality of the present situation on the ground is obvious, but this needs to be presented in a quantifiable and justifiable way.

It is understood that the dry cleaners shop on Kingpost Parade, Burpham is vacant and therefore might provide a location for a pharmacy.

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