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Updated Letter: Why Weren’t Patients Consulted Directly on Proposed GP Surgery Closure

Published on: 5 Jan, 2022
Updated on: 5 Jan, 2022

Flu jab queue at Wodeland Surgery

From: Marion Gooding

In response to: Five Guildford GP Surgeries Targeted For Possible Closure In Health Services Revamp (published October 2019)

This is the first time I have heard of the possible closure of Wodeland Surgery. Why wasn’t this consultation widely publicised? The surgery knows our mobile numbers, email and home addresses why haven’t they asked us for our views?

Is it that they have already made their decision?

A spokesperson for the NHS Surrey Heartlands CCG said: “No decision has been taken on the future of these practices.

“Work started in 2019, although paused due to the pandemic, to assess how challenges to GP services in North Guildford could be addressed and we continue to value input from our local communities to help shape and influence the future planning of primary care services.

“If any significant changes are proposed as part of the next phase of this work, there will be a full engagement process and formal public consultation before any proposals are finalised.”

See also: Reorganisation of Guildford GP Practices Would Lead to Poorer Service

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Responses to Updated Letter: Why Weren’t Patients Consulted Directly on Proposed GP Surgery Closure

  1. Fiona Davidson Reply

    January 3, 2022 at 1:32 pm

    I absolutely share Marion’s concerns (as well as those of Nigel Fielding) that the needs of South Guildford residents are being neglected in the reorganisation of GP services in Guildford. It was very clear during the consultation in Autumn 2019 that accessibility was not high on the list of criteria used to identify a solution. Nor did there appear to be a good understanding of the catchment areas of existing surgeries.

    Although I am no longer actively involved it appears that nothing has changed and the needs of some residents continue to be completely ignored and neglected.

    I can only recommend that Marion and Nigel mount a campaign to ask the CCG to consider the needs of all residents impacted by this planned reorganisation. They should prepare for a protracted struggle.

    Fiona Davidson is a R4GV county councillor for Guildford South East

  2. Anthony Mallard Reply

    January 3, 2022 at 2:47 pm

    Ms Marion Gooding asks, “Why weren’t patients consulted directly on proposed GP Surgery closure.” The answer is simple, because the patients may not come up with the answer the NHS Surrey Heartlands Clinical Commissioning Group wants and then what will they do?

    It used to be a maxim of the NHS that local services were best provided locally and thus be accountable to local residents or in this case patients. Centralized services whilst, possibly, more financially efficient, rarely meet the needs of patients in respect of care, continuity of care or accessibility.

  3. Hilary Minor Reply

    January 4, 2022 at 10:46 am

    My husband and I are patients of the Wodeland Avenue surgery and the first we heard of its possible closure was via a message put onto social media. No approach was made directly to us from the surgery or the CCG as to our feelings on the subject.

    I hope this surgery will not close. Of equal concern is the possible closure of The Oaks, in Park Barn. As a result of the pandemic it has become increasingly difficult to get to see a doctor; if the surgery closest to where you live closes the situation will become worse, not better.

  4. Valerie Riddle Reply

    January 18, 2022 at 8:58 pm

    I have only just heard of the proposed closure of GP surgeries of which I am a patient. Mainly The Oaks in Park Barn.

    I wish to know what is happening to all of us who are registered with this practice. It is of great concern will we be left without any care for our health?

    Editor’s note: No, services will still be provided. The proposal is to merge four existing practices at one location with extra facilities but some are concerned that this would involve longer journey times making the new location less, generally, accessible.

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