Fringe Box



Letter: We Will Make The Electric Theatre a Hub for Community Arts

Published on: 10 Jan, 2017
Updated on: 10 Jan, 2017

From Kainne Clements

Executive chairman of the Academy of Contemporary Music

The Academy of Contemporary Music (ACM) has an open door policy for anyone who has an interest in the Theatre, be that as a user, patron or interested member of the public.

We held public consultation on the matter, and enjoyed numerous meetings subsequently with a whole variety of stakeholders, who raised many good points and concerns that we have worked to address in our final bid proposal.

We’re looking forward to making The Electric Theatre a hub for community arts and now extend an invite to Cllr Susan Parker [see comment in article: More Reaction to News – ACM Wins Lease to Run the Electric Theatre] to meet with us in order to hear and understand any concerns that remain.

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