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Letter: Will Station Residents Benefit From SANGs?

Published on: 23 Jan, 2018
Updated on: 23 Jan, 2018

From Lisa Wright

I notice that a very large sum of money from the recent Solum approval is being put aside for SANG contributions.

What is the likelyhood of the station residents driving or getting a bus to one of the allocated SANGS?

I agree that the Special Protection Areas should be protected but I doubt our current policies are providing a decent solution.

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Responses to Letter: Will Station Residents Benefit From SANGs?

  1. David Croft Reply

    January 23, 2018 at 4:03 pm

    £2.18 million, to be precise, will be going into the council coffers for “suitable alternative dog walking areas” for the residents of these flats. What a complete waste of money.

    How many of these flat owners are going to own dogs let alone put them in their cars and drive out to these SANGS to walk them? The developers successfully argued that due to viability they could only afford 10% shared ownership affordable (45 out of 438 flats) not the full quota of 30% affordable as expected by policy.

    Put this £2.18 million back into the equation and the number of affordable units would rise dramatically.

    This SANG policy is the biggest waste of money and yet the leaders at Guildford refuse to review its effectiveness.

    Don’t be fooled by the council when they say they are doing all they can to alleviate the shortage of social/affordable homes. They are not.

  2. Gordon Bridger Reply

    January 23, 2018 at 11:12 pm

    David Croft is right. The amount of money is huge for additional SANGS – £2.8m – if this is divided by 438 flats it works out at out at £ 5.400 per flat. This will be spent on space currently in the green belt

    Why is this dotty scheme not being considered by our Scrutiny Committee?

    Naturally, Officials do not like the idea at all but what on earth are our Councillors up to?

    Can I suggest reader’s contact their councillors to insist this be done, and also write to Michael Gove as he is one of the MPs some of whose constituents are paying in or whose area is under threat.

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