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Letter: Woking Shows the Need for Good Local Government

Published on: 22 Jun, 2023
Updated on: 22 Jun, 2023

From: James Steel

former Lib Dem borough councillor

In response to: Woking to Become ‘Smaller Council’ as Drastic Cuts to Services Being Planned

I feel extremely sorry about the situation Woking Borough Council finds itself in.

Services that residents of that borough rely on will probably change massively over the coming years and, most unfortunately, not for the better.

This clearly indicates the importance of local government to an area and how neglect of accountability by a ruling group has now lead to hundreds been worried about their way of life.

We understand that these decisions were made by the Conservatives but given the effects discussed in the article I hope all Woking councillors and officers, from across the political spectrum and corporate bodies of Woking, will do their best to bring the council back to an organisation that will benefit the people of that borough.

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Responses to Letter: Woking Shows the Need for Good Local Government

  1. John Cooke Reply

    June 24, 2023 at 8:10 am

    It’s puzzling that a prosecution for malfeasance can’t be brought against those responsible.

    As somebody who lived in the borough, this project always looked like a slow motion car crash and the vanity project of one man who dreamed of building ‘Singapore in Surrey’.

    I’m also nervous that a push for making Surrey a single unitary authority will see this debt shared across all Surrey residents.

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