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Lib Dems Say Guildford Residents Are Unhappy With Brexit Negotiations

Published on: 26 Sep, 2018
Updated on: 28 Sep, 2018

Zoe Franklin

Guildford Liberal Democrats took to Guildford High Street on Saturday to ask a sample 132 residents and visitors how they felt Brexit is going.

Using a chart they christened a “Brexitometer” they say the overwhelming view was that Brexit was not going well and that there should be a People’s Vote on the final deal, including the option for people to vote to stay in the EU.

But Guildford’s MP Anne Milton said she had grave concerns about another referendum. However she did not seem to rule out the possibility that one might be held although if it were she believes it should not include an option to Remain.

Recounting the survey, Guildford Liberal Democrat’s parliamentary spokesperson, Zöe Franklin, said: “So many people wanted to stop and talk to us about Brexit. From European tourists and Europeans who have lived here in the UK for years to people who had voted Remain, had voted Leave or had been just months too young to vote. We even had children talk to us about their concerns while their parents added stickers to our Brexitometer.

The Lib Dem “Brexitometer”

“It was especially interesting that almost everyone, regardless of how they voted in the 2016 referendum, felt that it was important to have a People’s Vote on the final deal. Their reasons? It is the democratic thing to do and that it would give a clear yes or no to the deal and help heal the division in our country.

“Everyone had their own story to tell about the impact Brexit is having or will likely have on their lives. There was a gentleman who spoke of how he’d just got back from working in the EU – he’d had two days notice that he needed to go and is deeply worried that leaving will result in him being unable to do his job.

“A 20-year-old spoke to me about how he’d been just six months short of being able to vote and how he was angry that he’d not been able to vote in a ‘once in a generation’ vote despite 16 and 17 years being given that right in the Scottish Independence Vote.

“It was clear from our conversations that support for a People’s Vote is growing daily and the Conservative government need to listen and act. It’s not about overturning the 2016 referendum, it is about giving control of our destiny as a nation back to the people of this country. They must have the final say on the Brexit deal including an option to change their minds and stay in the EU.

“The Liberal Democrats are backing a People’s Vote and are working with residents and colleagues across the political spectrum both here in Guildford and nationally to make this happen.”

Rt Hon Anne Milton MP

Anne Milton responded: “I avoid commenting on the day to day speculation, but I have responded to many constituents who have raised concerns about Brexit and I know many people feel frustrated.

“I have grave concerns about a public vote on the Brexit deal so I would not support this. I also do not believe that we can re-run the referendum, so I would disagree we should have an option to include this, if a public vote on the deal was put forward.

“For me, the two issues uppermost in my mind are regaining sovereignty and decision-making in Westminster and avoiding an economic shock that would cost jobs.  As long as MPs have the ability to make decisions, Parliament will be free to decide in the future what it feels is right for the country – that surely is what Brexit was all about.

“It will then be for the voters of his country to support, or not, the decisions their MPs make.”

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Responses to Lib Dems Say Guildford Residents Are Unhappy With Brexit Negotiations

  1. D Bisdee Reply

    September 26, 2018 at 10:32 am

    It is a real pity that Mrs Milton has evidently been persuaded into thinking that Brexit will give us back sovereignty and not cost jobs, when all the evidence shows clearly that we never lost sovereignty and jobs are going to fly away (indeed already are doing so).

    Ms Milton is normally an excellent constituency MP but like most of her colleagues seems to have lost a sense of proportion in relation to Brexit, putting her party’s unity above the interests of her country and the constituency.

    Our last chance, to rescue our country from this looming disaster, is a “People’s Vote” with Remain being one of the options. Polls indicate that many who voted Leave in 2016 have now realised what a tragedy it is going to be.

  2. David Markley Reply

    September 26, 2018 at 10:56 am

    Well done to Zoe Franklin for listening to the people and acting. Also, an appalling response from our current MP. In any other vote or competition when one side breaks the rules (and law) they are disqualified.

    I do not understand why this hasn’t happened. Vote Leave have broken so many promises made at the time of the vote (the second vote by the way) that the only way forward (now that we have the reality of the disaster this has already been, and will be, for the country) is that we must be able to have a say in what happens now.

  3. Karen Cruikshank Reply

    September 26, 2018 at 11:03 am

    The most important decision this country has made in my life and now my children’s lives. We must have the ability to stop and reflect and remain must be on the ballot paper.

  4. Dale Miller Reply

    September 26, 2018 at 3:44 pm

    I have one question for Anne Milton. Does the Prime Minister’s deal offer the exact same benefits that we have under our membership of the EU? Because that’s what was promised.

    If it doesn’t, it should be scrapped and the people should be asked again if they wish to remain as EU members and citizens. The Tory Party has appeased the far-right and presided over an unholy dog’s breakfast of a negotiation leaving us where we are – afraid that we won’t be able to access time-critical medication after Brexit Day.

    Surely Anne Milton can see that a “People’s Vote” offers a last chance way out for a party that will otherwise be consigned to the sidelines for a generation owing to its leading role in this whole sorry saga. She needs to have a word in Mrs May’s ear. The mood on the street and in the country is changing.

  5. Jim Allen Reply

    September 26, 2018 at 4:12 pm

    123 out of 56,000 or more is not representative poll and certainly does not reflect those who wait with Union Jack and notice saying “free at last….”

  6. Sean Jenkinson Reply

    September 27, 2018 at 8:02 am

    Please, Dragon News don’t jump on the Brexit bandwagon. This is about one of the only news sites I can come to and get away from all the Brexit news. As Jim Allen has pointed out the 132 out of 56,000 [approx population of town centre] or more, must have all been Lib Dem supporters.

    Obviously, Brexit is primarily a national story, but it will have consequences locally. We aim to present balanced coverage of the issue without letting it dominate other local news coverage. Ed

  7. Harry Elson Reply

    September 27, 2018 at 9:07 am

    This poll is as irrelevant as is the Liberal Democratic party. They are mistaken if they think that they are still a force to be reckoned with. They are just a small, insignificant party. What is a “People’s Vote”? Isn’t it really, “Let’s vote until we get the result we want”? The people have already spoken in a democratic vote. They should get used to it.

    Let’s ask some other questions about the waste, the payment of so many involved in the EU earning vast amounts of cash voted for by themselves. Unelected individuals like Junker promoting who he likes without reference to anyone, moving the whole shooting match to Strasburg every year at a cost of €250 million. As for no borders – look what has happened in Germany and Sweden where there is strong evidence they have had enough.

    And then there’s the big question of taking back control of our own country, its laws and who we can do business with, to further improve our future instead of an outdated inward-looking club.

    Anything can be proved by polls – just ask the right questions

    And as for Anne Milton, she is only showing solidarity with the government because she is loyal, which is very rare these days. She wants to keep out a regressive Labour government that would totally ruin our economy with a Venezuela Mk 2.

  8. Ciaran Doran Reply

    September 28, 2018 at 1:12 pm

    Unbelievable that our MP Anne Milton has been brainwashed into thinking that the United Kingdom lost its sovereignty.

    Shocking that she now seems to see the UK better off outside the EU than within, despite the chaos that her party has caused the country in the last two years and despite the lies from her party colleagues that got us here.

    Ciaran Doran is the chairman of Guildford Liberal Democrats.

  9. John Hawthorne Reply

    September 30, 2018 at 10:15 am

    I actually like Mr Corbyn’s and Labour’s position on this. Ideally, we should take the compromise Norway Option as it gives everyone something: Brexit gets our fishing rights back and is more or less out of the EU, Remainers get Free Movement and trade as before.

    If there was a referendum, I would like the Norway Option compromise on the list. I don’t want the more divisive options to win. We need to come together.

    I am an ardent Remainer but also a Democrat. I think the Norway Option is the best of a bad lot (Remain is bad because it marginalises about 50% of the nation). A referendum would be good – but it needs the Norway Option on the list.

    Labour have it right on this one.

    • Sean Jenkinson Reply

      October 1, 2018 at 7:55 am

      Free movement is one of the reasons most people voted out, so how is the Norway option a good option? Immigration is fine but not uncontrolled immigration which is the problem with free movement.

      If people are happy with uncontrolled immigration then be prepared for more building on green belt, more traffic, high house prices and rents. After all, people coming to the UK need somewhere to live, the NHS is at breaking point, homelessness is at an all-time high, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

      We are the 11th largest country by landmass in Europe but we are now the 3rd or 4th most populated, we were told that all this mass immigration would bring money into the UK well where is it?

      And before you call me a Brexiteer I did not vote as I did not believe most of what either side was coming out with.

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