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Lib Dems Select Former Councillor As Parliamentary Candidate

Published on: 28 Jul, 2016
Updated on: 31 Jul, 2016
Zoe Franklin planting the Jubilee tree at Bellfields

Zoe Franklin planting the Jubilee tree at Bellfields

In case the government calls a general election before it’s five year term ends, Lib Dems across the country have been selected prospective parliamentary candidates.

Here in Guildford a “key seat” according to a Lib Dem press release, former borough councillor for Stoke, Zoe Franklin, has been selected.

She faces an uphill struggle. Anne Milton MP, the Conservative incumbent, increased her majority again at the last election to 22,000, taking 57% of the vote while the Lib Dem vote collapsed from 21,000 (39%) in 2010 to just over 8,000 (15.5%).

Zöe has lived, studied and worked in Guildford for over fifteen years, and currently lives with her husband and young family in the north of Guildford.

She said: “I am delighted and honoured to have been selected by Guildford Lib Dems to serve the people of Guildford. I am passionate about Guildford – it’s people and places – and will work hard for the whole community.

“However, I am only too well aware that Guildford does have its challenges. I intend to listen to residents and campaign on ensuring Guildford has the right housing and infrastructure for its needs, in particular social and affordable housing; improving our transport infrastructure – whether it’s road surfaces, more reliable and regular train and bus services or encouraging more sustainable transport methods, Guildford deserves better.

“The country faces a period of uncertainty, and steps need to be taken to protect people’s jobs, public services and our economy as a whole.

According to the press release: “The Liberal Democrats will go into the election as the only party committed to protecting Britain’s role in the heart of Europe.

Zoe added: “The Liberal Democrats are well placed to fight a general election whenever it is held and I am raring to go. Since the referendum we have signed up more than 17,500 new members nationally, and a large number of these are in Guildford.”

Zoe Franklin has kindly agreed to be interviewed so check back to read more about her views.

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