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Local Groups Give Their Views on the Future of Guildford

Published on: 11 Aug, 2014
Updated on: 15 Aug, 2014

Around 40 people attended the Local Plan event at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Guildford.

Local groups joined councillors and council staff to discuss the Draft Local Plan at a special community engagement event on Tuesday (5 August).

Representatives from the faith community, ethnic minority groups, young people and disability organisations joined Cllr Monika Juneja, lead councillor for planning at Guildford Borough Council (GBC) and the planning policy team to talk about the future of the borough.

Around 40 people attended the event at the Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotel in Guildford. The discussions focussed on youth facilities, accessibility, infrastructure, housing and traveller accommodation.


The views of one attendee are taken down by a member of the GBC team.

Cllr Juneja says: “It is important we hear all voices – including those who feel less heard in public consultations – when planning the future of Guildford. It was great to meet so many representatives and get their feedback on the Draft Local Plan.

“I encourage everyone to get involved and give their views through our public consultation. You can talk to us at a Draft Local Plan event, at 25 Swan Lane, or find out more online. Make sure you are part of the plan.”


The event was one of a series being held during the consultation on the Draft Local Plan.

For information on the Draft Local Plan and consultation events visit or go to 25 Swan Lane, Monday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm. You can also follow GBC on Twitter @GBCPlanning and Facebook /GBCLocalPlan

You can submit your feedback at, or email or call 01483 444471.

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