By Hugh Coakley
Shopping trolleys, metal poles, glass, plastic were amongst the general rubbish pulled out of the river by the 70 enthusiastic volunteers and members of the Wey Kayak Club who attended the bi-annual clear-up day on Saturday, May 14.
Shopping trolleys, metal poles, glass, plastic and other general rubbish were pulled out of the river by the Wey Kayak Club on their clear up day March 2022.
And they were awarded Club Champion status by British Canoeing for its outstanding volunteer work and commitment to the Clear Access Clear Waters campaign for fair, shared and sustainable access to inland waters.
Chantelle Grundy from British Canoeing presenting the Clear Access Clear Waters to James Rossiter, chairman and one of the founding members of the Wey Kayak Club.
Pippa Rowlandson, Wey Kayak Club’s environmental lead, said: “The River Wey is now much cleaner thanks to our members.
“It’s such an inspiration to see all our club members and families really enjoying the river cleans and genuinely caring for our local rivers.”
Chantelle Grundy, Access and Environment Lead at British Canoeing, said: “The children’s enthusiasm for removing plastic pollution and junk from their local river and their knowledge of the impacts on the environment was truly inspiring.
“It was a real privilege to award Wey Kayak Club the Clear Access Clear Waters Champion Club status in recognition of their dedication to protecting the places we paddle.”
The spokesperson said the members wanted to look after the environment in which they paddled and raced but also to inspire more people to be active outdoors.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Roshan Bailey
June 4, 2022 at 10:41 pm
Congratulations to the Wey Kayak Club on their award and also many thanks for all they do to keep the river in such good condition as well as giving me and others a lot of pleasure watching them on the water as we walk along the towpath.
I love seeing the skill of seasoned members and the supportive way in which youngsters are introduced to kayaking.