More money is available for businesses affected by the spread of the Omicron variant but deadlines are impending, one is tomorrow (February 14) at 5pm.
GBC want to publicise that the two grants, secured through more government funding, which are now available for eligible businesses. They are:
Cllr John Redpath (R4GV, Holy Trinity), who leads on Economy, said: “These grants will go a long way to support our local businesses. We know these funds will make a real difference as we move towards recovery from the pandemic.
“The pandemic has hurt our local economy in Guildford, with many sectors severely impacted, including shops, pubs, and restaurants. We are here to support our local businesses and give as much help as we can. By helping them we know we are also helping the wider community.”
Tim Anderson (R4GV, Clandon & Horsley), lead councillor for Resources, said: “We know that businesses have continued to face challenges with new variants like Omicron. We have already distributed more than £47.5million in government grants and provided business rate relief to businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors.
“These funds have provided a lifeline to them and, as a result, residents and visitors have benefitted from the goods and services they have provided. Please do check if your business is eligible for these schemes and get in touch.”
A GBC spokesperson said: “Guildford is home to many organisations that could help your business. Our business support partners are ready to offer help to your company.
“You can get business advice from Enterprise M3 Growth Hub, collaborate with the University of Surrey or recruit a placement student, join business networks like Business South to meet like-minded people and share knowledge.
“Or you can explore national help available such as the government’s Kickstart Scheme. We share these and more on our website under the business section on our website.”
Full details are available on GBC’s Covid Business Development Grant Scheme web page – businesses should check their eligibility before applying.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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