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Lovely Time Had By All At Stoke School Reunion

Published on: 6 Oct, 2013
Updated on: 6 Oct, 2013

Former pupils and two teachers from Stoke School met up again for a happy reunion on Friday evening.

Former pupils of Stoke school pictured with their art teacher Mr Hall, 86, teacher Miss William, 82, in the centre of the front row.

Former pupils of Stoke School pictured with their teachers Miss Williams, 82, and Mr Hall, 86, in the centre of the front row.

Held at Fairlands Community Centre, everyone had a great time talking about the old days when they were at the school which was in Markenfield Road, Guildford.

One of those who attended was Shirley West. She said: “What a wonderful happy evening we all had with our Stoke School reunion. As you can see from the pictures many former pupils turned up.

“Thanks goes to Mick Smart for organising a great evening.”

They are now planning another reunion for next year.

See our previous story.

Listening to their teacher - just like the old days!

Listening to their teacher – just like the old days!

Fred Smith and Shirley West show off their recent awards. Both went to Stoke School.

Fred Smith and Shirley West show off their recent awards. Both went to Stoke School.


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Responses to Lovely Time Had By All At Stoke School Reunion

  1. Bernard Bedford Reply

    August 25, 2015 at 8:53 pm

    I was there from 1952 to 1956.

    Is the organiser the Mick Smart I remember? If so, does he have any news of John Sherwood?

    I did not see the reunion date until too late.

    My email address is

  2. Rosie Canning (nee Oldland) Reply

    September 29, 2015 at 10:17 am

    Looks like I have missed another reunion? I was at Stoke from 1953- 1957.

    Does anyone know what happened to Stephanie Dinsley or Heather Pratt? I would love to hear from them or anyone in the A classes at that time.

    Please write to:

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