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Make The Switch From Plastic To Glass Bottle Milk With Dairydrop

Published on: 27 Jun, 2021
Updated on: 27 Jun, 2021

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With the resurgence of the modern milkmen and home deliveries in high demand, DairyDrop has been working hard to build a network of dairies nationwide to meet customer demand.

Our milkmen nationwide are working around the clock to bring fresh milk back to your doorstep. We are a very environmentally conscious company using predominantly glass bottles across the UK.

Insulated cooler to keep milk delivery fresh on a UK doorstep. Bottles of skimmed (blue top) and semi-skimmed (red top) milk in glass bottles as delivered to houses by traditional milkmen in the UK.

DairyDrop – How it works

Get milk and essential dairy products delivered straight to your doorstep. Support your local milkman straight from your smartphone – simply download the app – choose your preferred local dairy – select your product and delivery days

Making doorstep delivery digital
Dairydrop is the UK’s number one Dairy & Farm Shop app currently ranked number 22 in the App Store with more than 50,000 downloads in the last two months. The app connects new doorstep customers to their local farm shops and dairies and with upfront payment, payments to them are guaranteed!

Our Ethos – We believe in good local produce, great choice and farm fresh quality

To do this we work very closely with local dairy farmers and milkmen, true experts offering a unique experience in high-tech refrigeration, dairy production, and diverse modern produce catering for everyone.

With a network of local dairies UK wide, DairyDrop is proud to present a brand new ‘Just Eat’ like smart app making it fast and easy to pay, select delivery holidays, add and remove products, the complete digital solution to tailor your weekly doorstep delivery.

The local milkmen delivering fresh milk and dairy essentials straight to your doorstep

DairyDrop with milkmen nationwide are working around the clock to bring fresh milk back to your doorstep.

The local dairies

Local dairy producers are seeing a revival in demand for milk in the last five years with more people choosing to drink fresh milk over the longer life version found in the supermarkets.

Working closely with regional milkman and technology companies like DairyDrop, dairy farmers are now able to cut out the middle man (the supermarket) and sell produce direct to the consumers.

Led by trends, the local dairies product range is become much more diverse with gluten and lactose free products including some that are vegan friendly.

Join the fight against plastic pollution – Make the switch from plastic to bottle milk

Glass bottle deliveries are booming as the British public rediscovers the joy of a fresh pint on the doorstep with growing concern for the environmental effect single use plastics are having on our planet.

Environmental activists and media such as Blue Planet II on the BBC  have helped spark a revival in doorstep milk delivery and the fight against plastic.

It’s not just individual households that are starting to think more responsibly about single-use plastic, businesses and local schools have recently made the switch to glass milk bottles to cut down its plastic footprint.

Make the switch from plastic to bottle milk – register today with Dairydrop and receive your weekly dairy products straight to your doorstep. Get the Dairydrop app today!

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Responses to Make The Switch From Plastic To Glass Bottle Milk With Dairydrop

  1. Martin Elliott Reply

    June 29, 2021 at 4:38 pm

    It’s a personal choice. Nice to have it but…

    The 55% premium is possibly justified, but I can’t afford it. I get my milk along with other groceries on a visit to Sainsbury’s or Aldi.

    I doubt you can freeze glass-bottled milk as you can milk in plastic containers and once used mine always go in a GBC green bin.

    If it ends up in Turkey or another poorer country I’d place the responsibility with the GBC/SCC auditing of the contractor pathway.

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