Fringe Box



Merrow Bowlers Enjoy Annual Presentation Lunch

Published on: 31 Oct, 2021
Updated on: 31 Oct, 2021

By David Raison, Merrow Village Bowls Club

The club’s annual presentation lunch took place on October 24 at the Guildford Masonic Centre. Due to the pandemic, we had to skip our 2020 lunch, so this was a welcome return to our calendar.

As usual, we were blessed with a fine day and a great turn out, with an impressive number of new members joining us for the event.

A lovely carvery for lunch.

The carvery lunch was very well received by everyone. As usual, a quiz was provided for each table and, once everyone had eaten, it was time for president David Matthews to present the trophies. Congratulations to all the winners.

The afternoon concluded with a raffle and the results of the quiz, which was won by table five.

David and Debbie win a magnificent trophy.

Ken and Allen presented with their medals.

Lorna receives her medal.

Christine, our most improved bowler.

Sally, Allen and Steve with their Hot Shots certificates.

Photos kindly provided by Andy Kirk.

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