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Modern History Group Talks At The Guildford Institute

Published on: 21 Jul, 2016
Updated on: 23 Jul, 2016

Guildford Institute logoThe Modern History Group has announced it’s autumn series of fascinating talks at the Guildford Institute. The talks are on Tuesdays at 2.30pm, members £2, non-members £3.

October 4, Gordon Bridger: How Britain made the modern world.

October 11,  Barry Lenz: 1866 and all that – the start of the run-up to 1914.

October 18, Tommas Graves:  the Guernsey experiment with money.

October 25,  Matthew Alexander: the story of the Portsmouth Road.

November 1, Margaret Westwood:  the American Elections 2016.

November 8, Charmian Skelton: Thomas More’s Utopia – serious or satire?

November 15, David Rose: a history of Guildford pubs.

For more information contact Dr Roy Douglas on 01323 484594, or click here to go to the Guildford Institute website.

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