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Motor Bike Invasion Feared By Wisley Airfield Neighbours

Published on: 11 Apr, 2017
Updated on: 12 Apr, 2017

An access point at the former Wisley Airfield through which motor cyclists are able to enter – Photos Chris Dick

Ockham residents, neighbouring the disused Wisley Airfield, fear another invasion of noisy motor-cyclists on bank holiday Monday (April 17) and are frustrated with the lack of police action.

The bikers use the airstrip for joyriding and are said to be accessing the site over footpaths and bridleways. Residents also complain that vehicles belonging to the bikers are parked on double yellow lines.

The same access point from showing partially obscured double yellow lines

When a Guildford Dragon reporter visited the site it was found that some of the double yellow lines had become obscured with leaf debris.

One local resident said: “The problem started when barriers that prevented vehicle access were taken down to allow parking on the airfield for those attending Armed Forces Day in June 2014. The barriers were were not replaced after the event.”

Surrey Police has told complaining residents: “…the bikes on the airfield is a civil issue this is because Wisley airfield is private property, and although the landowner has not given permission for the bikes to be there this is not an issue the Police have any powers to deal with, this would be classed as trespassing and consequently a civil matter.

“It is also the landowners responsibility to make sure the land is secured so these people cannot gain access to the land to begin with.”

“The noise that the bikes generate… will be dealt with by the environmental health agency.

“Due to the mention of the bikes being ridden on the bridleways and footpaths surrounding the airfield as above this has been sent to out SNT team (Safer Neighbourhood Team) for review.”

A van used by motor cyclists parked on largely obscured double yellow lines

Mike Murray, Project Director for Wisley Property Investments said: [We have] been liaising closely with the police and Surrey County Council over the last two years to address the issue of motor cyclists getting onto the airfield.

Elm Lane from the air with the A3 top left and the access point featured in preceding photos by the P for parking

“We have implemented all the measures agreed with the authorities which include placing a steel beam across the Elm Lane entrance, erecting palisade fencing, introducing additional signing, working with police to enforce parking restrictions and creating earth mounds along the runway to discourage its use. We have also been in contact with groups to warn them that the site is private property.

“We will continue to work with the police and the County Council to address the issue in the future.”

One resident who lives close to the former airfield wrote: “After over two years of reporting this chronic activity why doesn’t Surrey Police take effective action?

“It really is not difficult to send a police car to Elm Lane and take number plates of the vans that bring the motorcycles – or to stop and warn the motorcyclists.

“What is Surrey Police going to do at the upcoming Bank Holiday when the motorcyclists will turn out in force? Just turn a blind eye?”

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Responses to Motor Bike Invasion Feared By Wisley Airfield Neighbours

  1. Bridget Kendrick Reply

    April 11, 2017 at 6:57 pm

    As a resident of Elm Corner it is frustrating that the police have taken this stance this year.

    The council swept the road and repainted the double yellow lines last year. Traffic wardens turned up a few times and issued tickets. This really did have a positive effect on deterring the vans that the bikes come in. However it has all fallen by the wayside.

    I have been in contact with the council to see if they would sweep the lane again, and then the traffic wardens could find easy pickings. It would raise money for the council at the same.

  2. Dave Middleton Reply

    April 18, 2017 at 10:55 am

    So, did the “invasion” actually take place?

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