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MP To Raise Questions About The Christmas Flood Alert

Published on: 30 Dec, 2013
Updated on: 8 Jan, 2014
Anne Milton MP

Anne Milton MP

Ann Milton, the MP for Guildford is going to be raising questions about the flood alerts given to Guildford on Christmas Eve by the Environment Agency.

This follows Guildford Dragon NEWS reports that the alert was given at 10.11am on December 24, only after the river had broken its banks at Guildford and despite an alert being issued for the Upper Wey over 12 hours before and the severe weather reports that had been in place for several days.

Anne Milton said: “ I feel desperately sad for all those affected by the flooding. It was terrible to watch local people clearing out their flooded homes and shops on Christmas Day and my heart goes out to them all.

“The losses will go well beyond just the material things people have lost. I know some people are still without power and it will take many months for some people to get their lives back to normal and so it is important that we leave those delivering services to get on and deal with the immediate problems.

“However there are a number of questions that need to be answered by the Environment Agency about how much warning was given to the local residents, the essential services and also the traders in town. I will be raising these and also making sure the Minister is kept well aware of what was faced locally. But I also want to thank all those who have worked so hard over the Christmas holidays to help out those on need”

The Environment Agency have been invited to respond.

Any comment received will be added to this article as soon as possible. Please check back.

See also:

Environment Agency Confirms Alert Was Given After Flooding Had Commenced

The Dragon Says: Why Wasn’t The Flood Alert for Guildford Issued Earlier?

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Responses to MP To Raise Questions About The Christmas Flood Alert

  1. Richard Taunton Reply

    December 31, 2013 at 4:44 pm

    Let’s see what Guildford Borough Council and the Environment Agency do about prevention in future.

    Rumours abound regarding the rapidity of the rising level of the River Wey on Christmas Eve. About 5pm water started to seep into the basement of PJ Hifi, at 3 Bridge Street. By Christmas morning it was over a metre deep. How come then that the level went down remarkably quickly the day after?

    Was it perhaps because the gates to designated flood meadows at Jacob’s Well, and other places were opened too late.

    I was also flooded around 10 years ago, and lessons don’t seem to have been learnt. Never mind questions, I want answers please.

  2. Richard Taunton Reply

    February 3, 2016 at 11:37 pm

    Here we are in Feb 2016, and Anne Milton MP still hasn’t been to see me, or my neighbours to talk to us.

    Did those questions get answered? None of mine did.

    Waste of space, the lot of them. Me, me, me, that’s all that they are in it for.

    [Ed: sorry to hear your concerns. I do suggest you contact Anne again at her office and I hope you will receive a response.]

  3. Jim Allen Reply

    February 4, 2016 at 9:24 am

    Not sure where Mr Taunton lives, but if he is in Worplesdon or Burpham then contact the Flood Forums via your councillors as they can answer your questions.

    If you live in the town centre then you councillor is a good place to start.

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