Fringe Box



Mystery Temporary Use Planned For Space Created By Town Centre Demolition

Published on: 24 Aug, 2014
Updated on: 22 Aug, 2014
No more kissing and cuddling in the back row of what was once a cinema in Woodbridge Road - remembered as either the Astor or Studio 1 and 2.

These buildings including the old cinema/nightclub in Woodbridge Road will soon be coming down – but what “interesting temporary use” does the council have planned?

For readers wondering why buildings in Commercial and Woodbridge Roads are also disappearing at the same time as the Waitrose site is being cleared, The Guildford Dragon NEWS has gleaned an answer.

The demolition in those two roads is the start of the long awaited North Street redevelopment. Although there are no plans yet agreed for the reconstruction project, the buildings along these roads are being demolished because they have become unsafe.

Large pieces of the former cinema/Bojangles nightclub building dropped on to the pavement last year and safety netting had to be put in place. Because of the general dangerous state of the buildings and the problems caused by squatters, the site owners have decided to demolish them.

Among the structures that will be disappearing soon is one of the last remaining walls of the Baptist chapel that was situated on Commercial Road, now facing the bus station.

Among the structures that will be disappearing soon is one of the last remaining walls of the Baptist church that was sited in Commercial Road, now facing the bus station.

There is now speculation that Guildford Borough Council is planning an “interesting” temporary use of the empty space left by the demolition until the North Street redevelopment takes place.

Cards are being kept firmly close to chests at the moment by those in the know, but when there is more to report we intend to quickly let you know.

Questions: has anyone told the numerous pigeons in the area? Pigeon pie anyone?

Below: more pictures of the Church Acre/Bellerby Theatre demolition. Photos courtesy Charles Brooking, The Brooking National Collection.

And also some more images from the David Rose Collection of how things used to look in this part of Guildford.

Please do use the ‘Leave a Reply feature below to share your memories of these disappearing buildings.

Demolition 24 a 475

Bye bye Bellerby Theatre.

Demolition 23a 475

“The nibbler” takes another bite of Guildford’s past.


Grab it while you can!

Up goes the roof...

Up goes the roof…

and down...

and then down…


and down…

...down she comes!

… and down she comes!

Edwardian picture postcard view of the Baptist chapel that stood in Commercial Road.

Edwardian picture postcard view of the Baptist church that stood in Commercial Road.

A Dennis-made street washing vehicle passes along Commercial Road in about the early 1970s. The view looks  towards North Street. The buildings on the right disappeared when the Friary centre was developed. Some of the buildings on the right have been long gone too. Those that do remain are soon to be demolished. Does anyone know when the Baptist church was closed and pulled down?

A Dennis-made street washing vehicle passes along Commercial Road in about the early 1970s. The view looks towards North Street. The buildings on the right disappeared when the Friary centre was developed. Some of the buildings on the right have been long gone too. Those that do remain are soon to be demolished. Does anyone know when the Baptist church was closed and pulled down?

The North Place Day Centre pictured in about the 1980s or 90s. Now just a memory.

The North Place Day Centre pictured in about the 1980s or 90s. Now just a memory.

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Responses to Mystery Temporary Use Planned For Space Created By Town Centre Demolition

  1. Mary Bedforth Reply

    August 24, 2014 at 8:47 am

    My mother who lived with my husband and myself in the ’80s, and for whom I cared, became disabled. The highlight of her week was her visit to the North Place Day Centre where she made friends, had lunch, was entertained and generally enjoyed herself. She was collected and brought home too. It also gave me a break.

    Those were the days when Guildford Borough Council ran the care homes and this day centre. All gone and the care homes to privatisation, every one.

  2. Sally Parrott Reply

    August 24, 2014 at 10:34 am

    There must be so much air pollution now, during the demolition, and there will be later, when 4x4s will queue for Waitrose.

    Add this to the vehicle emissions from cars already stationary in traffic jams, and I wonder whether the air quality in central Guildford is safe for schools and nursery schools.

    Is air pollution a concern to GBC? If not, should it be?

  3. Martin Elliott Reply

    August 24, 2014 at 6:48 pm

    It is obvious what will happen, same as any other cleared space. Pit will be used as a ‘temporary’ car park. Car parking space is still much in demand despite the council’s wish for Park & Ride – people just don’t want it.

    Strangely, outside the town centre, land owners don’t allow use of designated car parking space when the building is demolished, as at The Green Man in Burpham.

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