Fringe Box



Nail-biting Finish To Merrow’s Indoor Bowls Match

Published on: 5 Mar, 2017
Updated on: 5 Mar, 2017

Merrow Village Bowls Club played the final match of its 2016-17 season with a visit Camberley Bowling Club on February 26.

The match gets under way.

Merrow’s David Raison says: “We played 18 ends of triples over five rinks, with some support from Wey Valley making up a shortfall for Merrow. Thanks to those providing the support.

“The match was hard-fought, with four of the five rinks being very close throughout the match. However, special praise was given by coach Rodney Morrison for our team on rink five, who came back from 20-6 down with a fine recovery to achieve a final score of 20-18. Well done to Diane, Lorna, and David F, who were presented with Easter eggs by Rodney to celebrate their performance.

“We had to wait for rink 2 to complete their match before an overall result was certain, with Camberley scoring a decisive three points on the final end.

 “We now look forward to the start of the 2017-18 season.”

End of match chat.

Merrow Village Bowls Club meets at its green behind Merrow Village Hall. Club nights are Tuesday and Thursday from 5pm. New members are always welcome; either go along on a club night or contact coach Rodney Morrison on 01483 232000.

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