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Letter: Negativity From Cllr Potter But Election Promises Were Broken

Published on: 7 Jul, 2020
Updated on: 7 Jul, 2020

From Lisa Wright

In response to: Explain Legal Ways to Change the Local Plan and the Council Will Consider Them

Cllr George Potter seems the most negative person I know. He says, we can’t, we can’t, we can’t but does he really mean we won’t?

Surely, this goes back to two things, election promises that were broken and council officers and councillors who have continuously pushed for a developer-led, building-all-over-Guildford Local Plan.

The Lib Dems did indeed promise a review of the Local Plan which helped them gain seats across the whole borough and I wonder why they have U-turned on that promise. Is it pressure from above or from GBC’s MD and planning officers?

And please, Cllr Potter, do not copy a previous attempt at calling out the “silent majority” card. That didn’t work out well for the previous councillors who tried it.

Perhaps Cllr Potter would care to read the traffic reports submitted with the responses to the Local Plan which gives him all the information he would need and save the council valuable time and money, pursuing yet another complete waste of time?

I believe the one contracted by Worplesdon Parish Council could be a good start. Or are the existing traffic reports not to the council’s liking or fit their agenda?

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Responses to Letter: Negativity From Cllr Potter But Election Promises Were Broken

  1. Jules Cranwell Reply

    July 8, 2020 at 7:07 am

    Lisa Wright is spot on. We expect positive actions from our council, for the good of our residents, not the defence of the indefensible.

    It is self-evident that the Lib Dems came to power, due to the disgust over the Local Plan, and they did promise to review it. We now demand that review takes place to derive a Local Plan which meets the needs of Guildfordians, not the profits of developers.

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