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New Fire Station Opened By the Duke of Gloucester

Published on: 2 Jul, 2015
Updated on: 6 Jul, 2015

Guildford’s new fire station in Ladymead.

The Duke of Gloucester formally opened Guildford’s new fire station in Ladymead on Friday (June 26).

The new station has been designed so that firefighters from the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service can respond more quickly to emergencies and incidents.


The Duke of Gloucester meets senior fire officers, Anne Milton MP, Cllr Mark Brett-Warburton, Cllr Nikki Nelson-Smith Mayor of Guildford.

In attendance was Guildford’s MP Anne Milton, the Mayor of Guildford Nikki Nelson-Smith (Con, Christchurch)  and county councillor Mark Brett-Warburton (Con, Guildford South East).

Fire Staion Opening 3Anne Milton said: “It was a pleasure to be at the opening ceremony of the new Guildford Fire Station and to meet members of the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service.

“The difference that this new station will bring for all those who work and train there will be much welcomed. Our lives are literally in the hands of the hard working team at the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service and having visited both the old station and seen the new one through its building phases, it is great to see this project finally completed.”


The Duke of Gloucester meets a front line firefighting crew.

Cllr Nikki Nelson-Smith, Mayor of Guildford said: “Guildford’s new fire station will be a great benefit to our borough’s firefighters in their vital role to protect local residents.

“On-duty officers have excellent facilities to use in-between call-outs and trainees have the opportunity to learn how to tackle fire in a variety of scenarios including from heights, scaling rooftops and negotiating lift shafts.

“It is great to have two new fire engines, one at Guildford and one at Leatherhead, equipped with state of the art equipment and I am pleased that all fire engines now also carry a defibrillator on board to ensure they are well equipped to save lives.”

Two new Scania fire engines one for the new fire station and one destined for Leatherhead.

Two new Scania fire engines one for the new fire station and one destined for Leatherhead.

Construction of the new station had to be delayed whilst an archaeological dig was conducted. The dig discovered remains of Mesolithic activity in the area. See: Retired Firefighter’s Tip Off Leads To Exciting Archaeological Finds.

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Responses to New Fire Station Opened By the Duke of Gloucester

  1. Mary Bedforth Reply

    July 2, 2015 at 9:19 pm

    Check the Surrey FBU website for some reality.

  2. Alan Cooper Reply

    July 3, 2015 at 12:17 am

    New station looks very impressive, apart from increase in size what are other benefits and is there accommodation for some of the crews. What is happening to old station?

    There is a for sale sign on the old station so presumably it the site will be redeveloped. Ed.

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