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New Job Club To Open In January

Published on: 3 Dec, 2018
Updated on: 3 Dec, 2018

Unemployed people and those in poor work situations are being offered a free chance to upgrade their job prospects when a new job club opens in January.

Guildford Baptist Church at Millmead will be running the CAP (Christians Against Poverty) Job Club. It promises to help people make a wide job search and give them the support of others in a similar situation.

The manger is Nick Walden. He said: “Unemployment, or limited hours work, can feel very isolating and can chip away at your confidence.”

“And the more it goes on, the worse the effects can be. The problem is, that lack of confidence can translate to an unconvincing job interview and put off a prospective employer. 

“Over the eight weeks, we’ll be looking to help people recognise what they are good at, boost their job search and help them connect with local employers in a positive way. We’ve also found that people attending the club find it’s a place where they can relax and make friends with others.”

The Guildford CAP Job Club course will be a mixture of group sessions, which include CV writing and interview technique, one-to-one sessions designed to help members identify strengths, along with areas for further training. 

The club is open to people of any faith or no faith.

Nick added: “It is really important to remember that you’re not on your own. Come and join our job club and help others to find work as well as yourself.”

Guildford CAP Job Club starts on Tuesday, January 15, at 10am, Guildford Baptist Church, Millmead, Guildford, GU2 4BE.

For more details email Nick Walden at or call 07432 515410.

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a UK charity with over 600 services across the UK delivering debt counselling, money management, job clubs and support for people breaking addictions.

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