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New Lead Councillor for Climate Change

Published on: 8 Nov, 2022
Updated on: 10 Nov, 2022

Incoming Cllr George Potter

George Potter, has been promoted to Guildford Borough Council’s Executive as lead member for Climate Change, including Air Quality and Sustainable Transport.

He replaces Cllr Cait Taylor (Lib Dem Friary & St Nicolas) and will relinquish his role as chair of the Corporate Governance and Standards Committee but take up chairmanship of the council’s Climate Change Board.

At 32, Cllr Potter is one of the youngest members at GBC. He is a Liberal Democrat ward councillor for Burpham, where he lives, and also the county councillor for Guildford East.

He joined the council in May 2019 as one of the wave of non-Tory councillors who won seats at the election that year. He works as a software developer for Civica Modern.Gov.

Council Leader Julia McShane (Lib Dem, Westborough) said: “I am very grateful to Cllr Cait Taylor for her hard work and commitment to this important role over the past year.

Outgoing Cllr Cait Taylor

Cait has worked cross-party with colleagues on the Climate Change Board to significantly progress the climate agenda, including overseeing the development of a detailed draft Climate Change Action Plan which is due to progress to full council for adoption in the new year.

“This work will be continued with the same urgency and passion by George, who shares Cait’s determination to tackle the climate emergency.”

The Guildford Dragon hopes to interview Cllr Potter about his new role soon.

See also: Dragon Interview – Three New, Young Borough Councillors Give Their Points of View

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Responses to New Lead Councillor for Climate Change

  1. Ben Paton Reply

    November 9, 2022 at 9:00 am

    Guildford’s contribution to global warming is to produce a Local Plan that puts thousands of the wrong sort of houses in unsustainable locations that depend completely on car transport and that are many miles from employment or mass transit facilities.

    Mr Potter has displayed “urgency and passion” in opposing a review of a Local Plan that is plainly contributing to climate change.

  2. Jules Cranwell Reply

    November 10, 2022 at 6:01 am

    Heaven help us with this chap’s hand on the environmental tiller. He has always been a cheerleader for the disastrous Tory Local Plan, which is proving so destructive to our environment and infrastructure.

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