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News In Brief From GBC At Millmead

Published on: 8 Apr, 2017
Updated on: 10 Apr, 2017

A round-up of news from Guildford Borough Council from its offices at Millmead.

Countryside Volunteers Thanked At Guildhall Reception

Volunteers who were thanked at a reception pictured with councillors and council staff.

The council’s parks and leisure team held a reception to thank around 70 volunteers for giving their time to support countryside events and projects around Guildford.

The volunteers help with a range of services such as protecting the environment, managing land, wildlife conservation and providing opportunities to members of the public to get involved.

The Mayor of Guildford, Gordon Jackson, said: “During the course of my mayoral year I have visited several projects across the borough, and have been extremely impressed with how much enjoyment local groups get from working in the countryside.”

Guildford Design Awards 2017

Entries are now being accepted for the council’s biennial Design Awards, which celebrate well-designed, innovative architectural and environmental projects that contribute to the aesthetic quality and the sustainability of the borough.

The types of design that can be entered, but is not restricted to, includes new buildings that can be residential, commercial, community, educational, health, infrastructure or industrial in purpose.

Or alterations to existing buildings including extensions, refurbishment, repairs, conversions or the restoration of a building that has been brought back to life, can also be entered into the competition.

Public and private open spaces including parks, gardens, pedestrian or play or recreational areas that are of great design and that contribute to the character of the surrounding area are also eligible.

To qualify nominated projects need to have been completed between June 2015 and June 9, 2017. The building or scheme must be within the Guildford borough boundary; however, the person or organisation making the nomination may be located outside the borough.

An online entry form and full competition details can be found at:

Two Conservation Area Appraisal Consultations

The council is conducting a four-week public consultation on two draft conservation area appraisals for Holmbury St Mary and Ripley.

The purpose is to record aspects of the conservation area which make a particular contribution to its special character, appearance and which should be preserved and enhanced.

The special character of a conservation area does not just come from the quality of its buildings but also other elements such as historic road layouts, open spaces, paths and boundaries, as well as the use of local materials and detailing. All of these contribute to an areas special and unique character.

Comments on the draft appraisal documents can be emailed to:

To find details of current consultations visit:

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