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News In Brief From Millmead

Published on: 4 Feb, 2016
Updated on: 4 Feb, 2016

A round-up of news from Guildford Borough Council’s Millmead offices

GBC Logo£1 million improvements to car parks with no increase in metered parking

Guildford’s car parks are set for maintenance and upgrades to the tune of £1 million.

They will include new lifts for all multi-storey car parks, improved protective coating at Bedford Road, CCTV installation at Merrow park and ride side, redecorating at Leapale Road, the introduction of two new electric car charging points.

The council’s Executive has agreed to the work with no increase in metered parking.

Cllr Matt Furniss said: “We have already carried out improvements at some of our sites including the installation of LED lighting at Bedford Road that has led to savings of over £21,000 a year in electricity costs and reduced maintenance. Our other multi-storey car parks will be upgraded to LED lighting during 2016-17.”

Training scheme on new regulations for landlords 

The council is holding a training day for landlords and letting agents to make them aware of new regulations.

Cllr Tony Rooth said: “The new regulations include the need for landlords to provide smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, changes to the process for seeking possession, as well as immigration obligations requiring checks on the right of tenants to rent a property.

“Landlords who gain accreditation are demonstrating that they are operating a professional business. It also shows they are committed to providing high standards of accommodation and management for their tenants.”

The training day, at Millmead on February 11, is aimed at new or existing landlords or letting agents. It will also cover the main requirements of running a successful lettings business. The course cost is £89.90, including refreshments and lunch. For more information and booking visit: 

Successful completion of the course includes membership of the Guildford Lettings Accreditation Scheme. The scheme allows landlords to access information and advice as well as a range of other incentives, such as discounts on insurance and licence fees.

Guildford’s new look teal-coloured taxis confirmed

The council has confirmed its new livery policy for taxis will now begin after an unsuccessful legal challenge by a taxi driver.

Councillor Graham Ellwood said: “Our policy is that all taxis must be liveried in our corporate teal colour thus clearly being recognised across the borough. This will create a strong local identity for the borough’s taxis and increase public confidence.

“Any new taxi must be liveried, and currently licensed vehicles have until January 1 2018 to become compliant. To encourage early take up of the colour change, we have offered to contribute 25% of the cost until July 9.”

Take a virtual ride into space and more at Innovate Guildford 2016

The Innovate Guildford free science and arts festival takes place at G Live on March 12, from 10am to 4pm.

It is a chance for everyone to explore science, technology and the arts through interactive displays, exhibits, entertainment and workshops.

Visitors will enjoy a whole host of different experiences, with many aimed at inspiring young people to think about science as a career. Explore a pop up planetarium, take a virtual ride in space, discover the latest in veterinary science, find out how a brain can turn music into art – just some of the activities on offer.

The festival is part of British Science Week (March 11 to 20) and is the Mayor of Guildford, Nikki Nelson-Smith’s initiative as part of her theme ‘Inspiring Guildford’s Future Innovators’.

The mayor said: “This is a free event designed to excite, entertain and inspire. We are lucky in Guildford to have so many science, technology and arts companies locally who are breaking new ground in their industries – companies who are keen to employ the next generation of innovators. My idea for this event is to show what is possible, what bright futures lie ahead for young people and the opportunities available here in Guildford.”

For more information about the festival visit and follow the Festival on Twitter @InnovateG4.

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Responses to News In Brief From Millmead

  1. Benn Simmonds Reply

    February 4, 2016 at 2:25 pm

    Unsuccessful challenge [taxi liveries] may be this time but it’s not over yet.

  2. Brian Holt Reply

    February 4, 2016 at 6:20 pm

    Taxis are for-hire vehicles, which used to require that all drivers were smartly dressed.

    In Guildford a few drivers wear T-shirts, jeans and trainers – hardly smart dress.

    Also, drivers can be seen smoking in their taxis while waiting for a fare, leaving passengers to ride in the taxi smelling of cigarettes.

  3. Paul Spooner Reply

    February 6, 2016 at 5:20 pm

    In reply to Brian Holt:

    If residents see smoking in taxis they can report it to licensing at GBC and it will be followed up.

    No passengers should be subjected to stale smoking odour.

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