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News From Millmead

Published on: 24 Jan, 2017
Updated on: 26 Jan, 2017

Latest news from Guildford Borough Council

Nominate hardworking people for a community service award

Guildford Borough Council Offices at Millmead.

Do you know somebody who does exceptional work in your community to improve the lives of others?

The Mayor’s Award for Service to the Community celebrates residents and groups who make a real difference by giving their time usually in volunteer roles.

It aims to recognise and encourage positive community working in the borough. Recipients of the award are nominated by the local community.

The Mayor of Guildford, Gordon Jackson: “We are asking local people to nominate good deeds, community spirit and selfless commitment within their community. These awards recognise the tremendous contribution made by the kindness, generosity of spirit and endless enthusiasm of many people at a local level in their neighbourhood.”

The award is sponsored by Guildford’s County Club. Its general manager, Kevin Lorimer, said: “These awards are important because they celebrate unsung heroes who do so many generous and worthwhile deeds behind the scenes, making our community a better place.”

To make a nomination, complete the online nomination form at, email the council’s civic secretary to request a form at or call 01483 444031.

The deadline for nominations is Friday, February 24. The mayor will present the awards at an informal ceremony on Saturday, April 22.

Council and university’s joint event to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day, Thursday, January 26.


Jointly hosted event to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day on Thursday, January 26

The council and the University of Surrey will jointly host the memorial event that takes place at 7pm at the University of Surrey.

It will include talks, music and testimonies from Holocaust survivors, including Beatrice Gould who witnessed first-hand the unspeakable horrors of the death camps.

The leader of Guildford Borough Council, Cllr Paul Spooner, said: “We are lucky to live in a largely tolerant society today, but Holocaust Memorial Day exists to give us all an opportunity to pause, reflect and learn lessons from the past.

“The Holocaust was over 70 years ago, but the issues are still very relevant in today’s world. It is a tragedy that we still witness how quickly intolerance can spread and escalate.

“By remembering the atrocities of the Holocaust, we remind ourselves what can happen when respect between peoples breaks down.”

To register to attend the vent visit


Albury Parish Council applies to designate its parish a neighbourhood area

The council will be consulting on the proposal by Albury Parish Council until February 19.

Comments can be made online through the planning policy consultation website at or you can email comments to

Burpham adopted a neighbourhood plan in 2016, following a local referendum in which over 92% of people who voted, voted yes to the scheme.

Neighbourhood plans set out planning policies for the local area and have come about following the Localism Act 2011 that introduced new rights to help communities shape development in their area.

Designating a neighbourhood area allows parish or town councils and neighbourhood forums (in non-parished areas) to prepare neighbourhood plans and neighbourhood development orders.

More information about neighbourhood planning is available Guildford Borough Council’s website at 

Alternatively, write to: Planning Services (Neighbourhood Planning), Guildford Borough Council, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford  GU2 4BB, or call 01483 444471 for details.

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