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News From Millmead – Council Business Roundup

Published on: 27 Jan, 2017
Updated on: 30 Jan, 2017

Latest news from Guildford Borough Council

Parking charges to rise

The council has announced a 10p increase to most central public car parks in Guildford, with daytime-metered tariffs increasing from £1.20 to £1.30 per hour, Monday to Saturday, between 8am and 6pm.

The charges will come into effect on April 1, but no changes made to other metered tariffs in public car parks.

A statement from the council noted that it has committed more than £1.5 million to car park improvements, which include better lighting, lift replacement, and general refurbishment.

A report on the parking service was considered by the Council’s Executive at its meeting on January 24, which included a proposal for £90,000 for drainage improvements at Leapale Road.

Cllr Matt Furniss (Con, Christchurch), deputy leader of the council, and lead councillor for infrastructure and governance said: “We’re working hard to improve the parking experience, facilities, and safety for residents and visitors. We are constantly investing in our car parks, and I’m pleased to see innovative developments taking place which will not only support residents, but also the environment, economy, and growth of the borough.”

These developments include a parking app, currently being trialled, designed to make finding a parking space faster, easier and more efficient.

While motorists who receive a parking ticket are now able to manage the process online, including viewing photographs of the contravention and raising any queries.

Residents can now also apply and renew parking permits online.


Council ‘committed’ to building homes at affordable rents

Work on building 51 council homes is due to start or be completed at three sites across the borough.

It includes 18 flats on the site of the former Apple Tree pub in Park Barn, 12 homes on the site of the former Corporation Club in Slyfield, and 21 homes across five former council garage sites in the borough at Willow Way, Rowan Close (both Bellfields), Great Goodwin Drive (Merrow), Pond Meadow (Park Barn) and Homestead (off Warren Road).

Artist’s impression of the flats that are to be built on the site of the former Apple Tree pub in Park Barn.

Cllr Tony Rooth (Con, Pilgrims), lead councillor for housing and social care said: “We have over 2,600 people on our housing register who need access to affordable housing, including young families. We need to provide two- or three-bed homes for those with young children and also one-bed flats for those looking for a first home or perhaps to downsize as they get older, to help balance the needs of everyone in our borough.

“We are committed to providing homes at affordable rents for those in greatest need. We have already completed 65 homes in the past two years and we will continue to look for opportunities on brownfield sites in our borough.”

All homes will be let to people on the council’s housing register at affordable rents, which are fixed at a maximum of 80% the market rate, and no higher than the maximum housing benefit allowance.

Council tenants will also see a reduction of 1% in their rents this year, as required by the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016, subject to approval of the HRA budget by full council on February 8.


Mayor of Guildford’s Variety Show

The Yvonne Arnaud Theatre.

There will be an afternoon of variety at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre on Sunday, March 12.

It will include performances from The Boileroom, Guildford Amateur Theatre Association, Guildford County School, Guildford Opera Company, Guildford School of Acting, Guildford Shakespeare Company, Guildford Symphony Orchestra, The Man In The Moon, Surrey Choices – Rhythmic Collision and The Yvonne Arnaud Youth Theatre.

Compered by Paul Branch, the concert will raise funds for the mayor’s chosen charities including the Surrey Hills Trust Fund and the Mayor of Guildford’s Local Distress Fund.

The concert will also be recognising honorary freeman Bill Bellerby’s 100th birthday.

Tickets are £20, concessions £15. Box office: 01483 440000, or visit the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre’s website.

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Responses to News From Millmead – Council Business Roundup

  1. Bernard Parke Reply

    January 30, 2017 at 9:43 am

    Guildford Conservatives in their newsletter at the time of 2015 election stated: “The cost of parking in Guildford Town car parks has been frozen by the Conservatives to help local residents and businesses.”

    However, two weeks before that election parking charges were increased!

  2. Martin Elliott Reply

    January 30, 2017 at 7:48 pm

    I take it the car parks are still making a budgeted profit (not recommended, but not illegal) in order to subsidise the Park & Ride scheme. When is that due to be priced and budgeted to break even?

  3. David Roberts Reply

    January 31, 2017 at 4:11 pm

    “We are committed to … and are working hard to … To this end, we have invested £… in …, and will continue to give this a high priority going forward.”

    Why does everyone in authority these days speak Robot?

    With just 65 affordable homes completed in two years, Cllr Rooth is saying in effect that it will take until 2050 to house the 2,600 people on the housing register.

    In the meantime, I’ll let Cllr Furniss know if my “parking experience” improves.

  4. A Atkinson Reply

    January 31, 2017 at 9:15 pm

    Relating to the misnomer of “affordable”, I assume the people on the hosuing register are looking for social and truly affordable housing.

  5. Valerie Thompson Reply

    February 1, 2017 at 11:46 am

    Why do the new homes have to be so ugly? Why not pitched roofs? These are typical of the “blockhouse” blight I commented on before.

  6. Ben Paton Reply

    February 1, 2017 at 2:13 pm

    Guildford parking meters don’t even give change. Short changing seems to be part of the culture. Just like the smoke and mirrors.

    And in response to Valerie Thompson, flat roofs are just another false economy. They always leak and cost more to maintain. Typical of a council that has no concept of quality.

  7. John Robson Reply

    February 2, 2017 at 3:31 pm

    “2,600 on the Housing register, including families”

    Where are these people living now?

    Are there currently thousands of properties where more than one families are living in Guildford? Or is this more developer and consultant, spoon feeding of PR Spin to suit the build on the green belt agenda?

    The Conservatives really are struggling to fake sincerity on this one.

    This is the party whose former leader once decreed: “There’s no such thing as society,” and a party that caused the housing shortage when it sanctioned the sale of our social housing stock, without any intention of replacing it or allowing it to be replaced.

    Building 65 council houses in two years in Guildford Borough tells you all you need to know about what the Conservatives priorities are, and believe me, providing any kind of a social justice “experience” isn’t one of them.

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