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Next Generation Work Force From George Abbot School Practise Their Interview Skills

Published on: 10 Mar, 2016
Updated on: 11 Mar, 2016

The culmination of a good deal of preparation for George Abbot School’s Year 10 students was their interview day, held on Friday, March 4.

Some of the students who took part in the interview day.

Some of the students who took part in the interview day.

Under the guidance of the personal and social education staff, students were taught about the various aspects of applying for jobs, filling in application forms on-line and putting together a CV. Once that was complete they moved on to interview technique.

On the interview day, 39 local employers, parents and school governors gave these young people a taste of ‘real life’ as what it is like to be interviewed for a job by a total stranger.

Firm hand shakes, eye-to-eye contact and clear speech were the order of the day.

Most of the students were naturally nervous, although they were very proud of themselves once they had completed the task. In fact, nearly 100% of the students thought that the exercise was a valuable experience.

Equally, the interviewers thought that the standard of interviewees was very high, and some said they interviewed better than some of their current job applicants!

Students from George Abbot School. Qubix kindly sponsored the interview day event.

Students from George Abbot School. Qubix kindly sponsored the interview day event.

George Abbot School is grateful to all the interviewers for giving up their valuable time to help pass their expertise on to the next generation.

The school would also like to give an overwhelming thank you to Qubix, leaders in business analytics. Their kind generosity in sponsoring the event allowed the 2016 interview day to go ahead. Together, Qubix and George Abbot School are helping to make our students’ future transition into adult life a little easier.

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