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No Petrol in Central Guildford, But Hope of Deliveries Tomorrow

Published on: 29 Sep, 2021
Updated on: 1 Oct, 2021

No fuel at Bellfields petrol station – they had run out this morning. Next delivery was uncertain “but maybe tomorrow”.

By Martin Giles

Despite the prime minister’s claim that the fuel supply problems are starting to ease, none of the four most central Guildford petrol stations checked at midday today (Wednesday, September 29) had fuel and none was certain of their next delivery. Two stations hoped a tanker would arrive tomorrow and two, which had deliveries yesterday, had quickly sold out this morning.

Any activity on a forecourt, such as motorists stopping to use the shop, drew in others with forlorn hopes that a pump might be operating.

Despite the shortages, traffic was still flowing but probably at lighter levels than normal for the time of day.

Only light traffic at the Stoke Interchange at midday but perhaps normal for the time of day.

One motorist at the BP garage on Woodbridge Road said that he blamed the mass media for “stirring up” the problem but also those members of the public who were panic buying and thought some system of prioritisation should be introduced.

A report in The Times today said that the disruption could continue for months while, despite earlier ministerial statements to the contrary, Army drivers are now preparing to be deployed at a fraction of the wage paid to civilian drivers.

No fuel at the BP station in Woodbridge Road. Their last delivery was on Monday and they were hoping there would be another tomorrow.

The Shell garage on Woodbridge Road had no fuel. Their last delivery was on Monday and they did not know when the next would be.

Guildford Borough Council said today that despite fuel shortages it is “very much business as usual”.
A spokesperson said: “We have our own supply of fuel and do not use petrol stations so are unaffected by the queuing and shortages at petrol stations and we have a planned delivery due next week in plenty of time to restock.
“We are also working closely with partners across public services and will assist where we can. We have offered access to some fuel (petrol) as well as a number of our electric vehicles while we are working with partners in the Surrey Local Resilience Forum, which is monitoring the situation closely.
“As residents would expect, we have contingency plans if we don’t receive the planned delivery of fuel but to confirm – Surrey has not declared a major incident, we are facing the same fuel supply disruption as the rest of the country and we encourage residents to stay calm and not stockpile fuel.”

Similar story at the Esso garage on Ladymead. They had run out of fuel this morning and did not know when they would get more.

Across the road at the Shell station, yesterday’s delivery of fuel had sold out this morning, within 24 hours. The attendant did not know when they would get more.

Situation reports from other petrol stations in the borough will be added as received.


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Responses to No Petrol in Central Guildford, But Hope of Deliveries Tomorrow

  1. Martin Elliott Reply

    September 29, 2021 at 5:28 pm

    Another new definition for areas from The Guildford Dragon.

    Can we have a map please to show what is “central Guildford?”

    It seems to be more than GBC’s ‘town centre’, but not as broad as Guildford town (without the parishes).

    I won’t even comment on the claimed “Car Free Town Centre” last weekend.

    Why do journalists feel inventing a new area reduces confusion?

  2. David Williams Reply

    October 1, 2021 at 6:06 pm

    Despite the shortage of fuel, there are no more cyclists or pedestrians than usual in Guildford. The buses still have no, or very few passengers.

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